Our 'UoBe Ready' campaign, was about ensuring you we're prepared for your assessments.

We took on board your comments and made improvements around assessment support and obtaining feedback. We worked with University and programme leads to take on board mid-module and Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching (SELT) feedback, and help shaped assessment support resources and college initiatives which helped you plan and prepare to the best of your ability.
We've supported you during your assessments by:
- Increasing the amount of study spaces on campus .
- Providing you with a revision timetable to help you stay organised.
- Organised a range of workshops to help you with your academic skills including essay writing.
- Supporting your Mental Health and Wellbeing with increased provision in these services.
- Ensuring your safety by providing the Selly Express, to ensure you get home safely after a long day of revision.
UoBe Ready
Study Spaces on Campus
UoBe Ready: Study spaces
What to expect during exams
UoBe Ready: Preparation for on campus events