Your University experience: Shaped by you
Introducing ‘Making it Happen’ – a new initiative which shines a spotlight on how your views can shape your student experience. From more study spaces to increased wellbeing and careers support, your feedback is making it happen!
Over the past year we’ve had some really useful feedback from you, through focus groups, the Guild of Students, the Student Insight Panel, Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching Survey and more recently national surveys like the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey, Postgraduate Research Experience Survey and National Student Survey. We want to transform these ideas into actions across the University, which in turn improves your experience at UoB.
So when you see this little mark across the University, you know that it's part of the ‘Making it Happen’ initiative, and it’s your views that have shaped these changes.

As part of the 'Making it Happen' initiative we focused on the following three areas for 2021/22: mental health and wellbeing support with our 'Time to Talk?' campaign, helping you prepare for assessments with 'UoBe Ready' and enhancing your employability with 'Unlock your Potential', our current careers campaign.
Click on the image to find out more about each campaign.
Our 'Time to Talk?' campaign showcased the wide range of Mental Health and Wellbeing services on offer for you here at UoB.
Our 'UoBe Ready' campaign helped you prepare for assessment season with useful information, tips and a free downloadable study planner.
Our current campaign 'Unlock your Potential' highlights the amazing services offered to students and graduates from Careers Network.