Our ‘Time to Talk?’ campaign focused on the mental health and wellbeing services at the University, and how you can access them.

Addressing your mental health needs is very important, so we’ve run a number of student focus groups to really try and understand your concerns, the barriers to accessing these services, and the best way to let you know what is available. We also want to update you on the investments we have made in this area, including appointing additional Wellbeing Officers in every College and the launch of our new UBHeard mental health helpline, available whenever you need it 24/7, 365 days a year.
Find out more about our Wellbeing Officers
Time to Talk?: Wellbeing Officers
Find out more about UBHeard
Time to Talk?: UBHeard
Wellbeing Services - mythbusting
Time to Talk?: Myth-busting
Time to Talk?