Are you ready to get Xtra Green at Green Week?

Sustainability is a hot topic everywhere at the moment, with this being no different here at the University of Birmingham.

Green Week gives us an opportunity to celebrate the work we are doing in this area, plus review what more as a community we can do to be more eco-friendly.

Check out some of the highlights from the week below and find out more about other initiatives the University has taken part in recently to become greener.

VR Experience
Monday 10 June, 15:00-16:00
Muirhead 113

Join us on a virtual tour of the woodland where, working in pairs or small groups, you’ll discover the research that’s happening in our forest laboratory. You’ll uncover clues and solve puzzles, using virtual reality headsets and/or touch screen devices.

By completing our ‘escape-room style activities’, you’ll gain a sense of the scale of the BIFoR FACE site, a better understanding of the measurements we’re taking and a deeper awareness of the impact of climate change on our woodlands and forests. Registration on a first come first serve basis, sign up is required.

Taste the Future of Food on Campus
Tuesday 11 June, 11:00-15:00
Cuore, Green Heart

Sustainability is one of the three pillar values of Food Fellows, which runs the cafes, restaurants and bars around campus. Come along to hear the sustainability stories of Food Fellows, meet our suppliers and sample some delicious tasters! No sign up required, just drop in as you wish.

Sustainable Travel – Bike Valeting
Tuesday 11 and Thursday 13 June, 08:00-17:00
Outside Staff House, University Square

Bring your bike down to Gear Up for free valeting and to register your bike at no cost. Drop in for the morning (8:00-12:00) or afternoon session (13:00-16:00) for this first come-first served event. Spaces are limited so come early to avoid disappointment – no sign up required. Find out more about sustainable travel at UoB.

En-ROADS Interactive Workshop
Thursday 13 June, 12:00-13:30
Arts Lecture Room 2

En-ROADS is a global climate simulator that allows users to explore the impact that dozens of policies—such as electrifying transport, carbon pricing, and improving agricultural practices—have on hundreds of factors like energy prices, temperature, air quality, and sea level rise. By joining this interactive workshop, you can learn about the long-term effects of global climate policies and equip yourself with the knowledge we need to implement solutions.

UoB joined ‘No Mow May’

Did you know that the UK has lost 97% of British wildflower meadows since the 1930s? This has removed a vital source of food for pollinators such as bees and butterflies.

That’s why we joined ‘No Mow May’, an initiative headed by Plantlife. By not mowing various lawns on campus in May, wild plants were able to get head start on the summer and provide important habitats and sources of nectar for many species.


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