Blog: Reflections of a final year undergraduate

Written by Student Content Shaper Anita Uba

Hey, I’m Anita, one of your Student Content Shapers and I’m a final year undergraduate studying a BA in Law with Business.


Above is a picture I took back in September on the first day of my final year at UoB. Time passes very quickly because how are we already in the month of June! In just a few weeks, I’ll be officially graduating from UoB.

I’ve really enjoyed my time at university, but I found my final year to be quite challenging. Having basically gone through the ups, downs, and thrills, I believe I’m in a good position to give you some tips on what I would have done differently in my final year.

Time-management is key

Final year can be very overwhelming but planning your activities can definitely help declutter. Productivity apps such as Google Calendar, Notion, Good Notes and Todoist can be very helpful.

I loved using Google Calendar. I organise all my weekly tasks by category and color-code them. This not only makes my to-do list less daunting but also adds a vibrant touch that motivates me to complete my tasks.

Oh, and try not to leave things to the last minute. Starting your studies early is one of the best things you can do to make life easy for future you.

Getting ‘grad-job’ ready

This can be daunting and thrilling at the same time but adulting is real and we need to be prepared to enter into the workforce.

If you don’t have a CV, you should start working on one as soon as you can and if you do, you should update it and get it tailored to the roles you’re applying for.

Connect to the University’s Careers Network team to get help with your CV as well as to talk to careers advisers, book space on networking events and apply for a wide range of job opportunities.

Make sure to look out for career fairs and networking events, Careers Network host a lot of them throughout the year, so keep an eye out for these through your student emails. Don’t forget to update your Linkedln too, it’s amazing for connecting with potential employers and networking.

Also, it’s never too early to start practicing interviews to get comfortable with them.

Prioritise self-care

It can be easy to get lost in your work so make sure you schedule regular breaks in throughout your day. Go for a walk, journal or just relax with friends. Never feel guilty for taking breaks, it actually helps you with your productivity and reducing stress.

Exercise, in the gym or at home, can also help to alleviate stress. Even a 20-minute jog can do wonders for the body and the mind.

A learning style that works for you

There are lots of methods and techniques to help you study but for me, active learning techniques like using flash cards really helped. Not only did it make my study sessions more engaging but I was able to memorise content better.

After reading a chapter of a textbook or watching a lecture, I made summaries in my own words, which helped me retain the information better.

Explaining concepts to friends on my course reinforced my understanding and highlighted any knowledge gaps.

Make the most of your time at Uni and Birmingham

Time will fly by so don’t forget to make memories, whether that’s taking lots of pictures of or by Old Joe, the many free events and activities on campus or exploring all the amazing spaces available to us.

If you’re new to Birmingham, step outside of campus and check out the city. There’s lots of great attractions and fun activities to take part in, such as the Birmingham Botanical Gardens or Cadbury World if you have a sweet tooth like me!

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Don't struggle on your own

And finally, your final year can be stressful and overwhelming. If you find it’s getting a bit too much, then don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether that’s talking to your tutors, trusted friends or one of UoB’s Health and Wellbeing Services, talking to someone can really help.

Final year can be challenging but there’s an exciting chapter that awaits at the end of it. Good luck!


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