UoBe Ready: Helping you prepare for assessment season
You’ve got this, but we’re here to help.
The main assessment season is nearly here! Whatever your programme of study, it will involve some form of assessment (such as exams, essays/coursework, reports, presentations, in-class tests, performances and many others). You've been working hard all semester, and this is a fantastic opportunity for you to showcase your skills, receive feedback and reflect on your progress.
As part of our ‘Making it Happen’ initiative, we have been taking on board your comments and making improvements around assessment support and obtaining feedback - we know we can do more to help. So, we’ve worked with University and programme leads to take on board mid-module and Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching (SELT) feedback, and help shape assessment support resources and college initiatives which will help you plan and prepare to the best of your ability.
From increased study spaces to a clear process of supporting you when things don’t go to plan, we’re here to help. Visit the UoBe Ready student intranet page for more details.
UoBe Ready to study
Did you know we have lots of new and improved study spaces on campus for you to hit the books? Watch this video to find out more.
UoBe Ready for January Exams
Text: The Semester 1 Assessment period for centrally-organised exams will be taking place between Saturday 8 January to Saturday 22 January 2022 (Including Saturdays and excluding Sundays).
Dates may differ for some programmes of study, please contact your School or Department for more information.
A mixture of on-campus and online examinations will take place in January 2022. Your personalised exam timetable will be made available from Tuesday 30 November 2021. Look out on the student intranet for more details.
Free revision timetable template
Want to get organised but don’t know where to start? We’ve got you. Download our blank timetable template to help you prioritise your revision or make your workload more manageable.
Book onto our online workshops
Need some help with essay writing? Or advice on time management? The Academic and Digital Skills Centre have put together some online workshops during Assessment Support Week (13-17 December 2021) to help you improve and develop your study skills. Taking place on Zoom, book yourself onto one or more of these sessions.
Mental Health and Wellbeing support
Assessments can make you feel anxious and stressed, regardless of whether you're prepared or not. If you’re struggling, we’re #HereForYou. Don’t bottle it up, find the right wellbeing service for you and talk to us.
Get on board the Selly Express
Studying late on campus? Hop on to the Guild’s free shuttle bus service in the evenings to get dropped off to your door. You don’t need a ticket to ride – just show up outside the main Library with your student ID.
Part of the Making it Happen campaign.