Blog: Walking home safely in the dark

Written by Student Content Shaper Christine Huynh

Winter is starting to draw in and the days are getting shorter. Students, like me, will often find we’re leaving campus in the dark after a late study session so it’s really important to stay aware of your personal surroundings. Campus is a safe place to be, and our Community Safety Team have plenty of things in place to make sure you get from campus to your front door safely. Here are some more ways to stay secure on campus during dark nights so that you can walk home from campus without any worries.

Safety in numbers

One of the simplest and most effective ways to make sure you're safe during darker nights is to stick with your friends. There’s safety in numbers! Whenever I stay late at night, I ask my boyfriend to come meet me so we can walk home together. I also like to invite my friends out for study sessions so that we can head home together.

Communicate with your friends

It’s always a good idea to pay attention to what’s going on around you. If you like to listen to music whilst walking, you might want to have one earbud out or reduce your volume to stay alert of your surroundings too. Another way is to stay in contact with your friends, housemates or family by letting them know where you’re going, and what time they can expect you back. I like to turn on a 60-minute location sharing feature on my iMessage group chat with my friends so that they can track my location as I walk to and from campus!

Campus Routes

If you live in the Vale or Five Ways, it’s always good to stick to the preferred walking routes. If you’re going out at night, it’s also really important to make sure your phone is fully charged. You can even download the UoB Campus Map on your phone by searching ‘Campus Map’ on Google Play or the App Store, which will also inform you of the shortest and safest routes to take around campus for whenever I would stay late at night.

The Selly Express

Take advantage of the Selly Express, a free evening shuttle bus service run by the Guild. This service runs on the hour from 7pm to 12am, Monday to Friday. Just hop on by the Main Library, behind Spar! The bus will drop you off at 23 locations in Selly Oak and 2 locations in Harborne. Recently, I took the 12AM Selly Express from the Main Library, and the kind driver dropped me right outside of my front door! Not only is it convenient, saving you from the walking on these darker and colder nights, but it’s also a free and safe way to get home.

The SafeZone App

To keep you safe on and around campus, you might want to download the free SafeZone App, allowing you to check in when you’re on campus alone, anytime, any day. You can also call for assistance quickly and discreetly connecting you with our Safety and Security Teams on campus.
personal alarm

Personal Alarms

The Community Safety Hub on campus offers free personal alarms. I always carry my alarm with me when I'm out and about as an extra safety measure. Knowing I can click a button to alert others makes me feel reassured. 

Check out some more safety tips:

  • Carry your wallet, phone, and other valuables out of sight and securely by keeping bags closed, zipped up, and buckled with the clasps facing inwards.
  • Always carry the telephone number of a trusted, licensed taxi company with you, and check for taxi plates before getting in.
  • If you're cycling onto campus, ensure you have lights fitted on your bicycle. Check out my YouTube video for keeping your bike safe on campus.
  • In an emergency, dial 999. For support on campus, note down these numbers for the University's Security Services and Community Safety Teams.

The darker nights shouldn’t stop you from using study spaces or enjoying a walk around campus. Keep in mind these tips to increase your safety. 


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