Feeling lonely at university? You're not alone
If you’re feeling lonely at university, then you’re not alone. Being at university or starting a new course is a big change and many students feel lonely from time to time. It can have a huge impact on your wellbeing, but there are practical steps you can begin to help your loneliness.
Our Student Wellbeing Services team have shared some things that can help you with building meaningful connections…
Join a society or group
The Guild of Students supports over 500 diverse student groups, societies, and associations. This is a good opportunity to find people with similar interests to you, or to try something new and see where it leads.
Keep up your studies
When you’re feeling lonely, it can be easy to withdraw yourself and skip classes or supervision meetings. Try to keep attending your classes so you can get to know your course mates. If you’re a postgraduate researcher, try to keep up with your supervision meetings and ask about opportunities to get to know others in your department. Also, study in one of our many study spaces on campus. Who knows what a friendly hello or smile can spark?

Volunteering or a part-time job
A good way of meeting people is through volunteering or part-time job opportunities. This also provides an opportunity to improve your confidence, self-esteem, and mental health. Always keep an eye out in the Brum Bulletin for opportunities or check out the Worklink page on the student intranet for jobs on campus.
Stay in touch with friends and family
If you’re feeling homesick or lonely, it’s important to try and stay in regular contact with friends and family for an instant mood boost. Try and arrange catch ups over the phone (we love a good video call!), especially if they are far away – contact them as much as often as you need to. If you’re a student living in Birmingham, why not invite friends and family to stay with you?
Reach out to us
Remember, if you need some support, we’re always here for you. From our trained and friendly Wellbeing Officers to our 24/7 support line UBHeard, we offer a range of free and confidential services for all students. Head to the Time to Talk? page on the student intranet for more information.

You may also want to check out this guide from the Samaritans which has some further tips on if you're feeling lonely as well as these videos, tools and tips for student mental health from mental health charity Mind.
How have you dealt with loneliness at university? If you are interested in sharing your journey, please get in touch with the Student Communications Team.