Last chance to have your say in either the NSS or UKES surveys!

Time is ticking!

The National Student Survey (NSS) and UK Engagement Survey (UKES) are currently open for University of Birmingham undergraduate students to provide feedback about their University experience.

If that’s you and you haven’t already completed the relevant survey (see below), you have until Saturday 30 April to make your voice heard – don’t miss out on having your say!

Although these surveys are not compulsory, this is a great opportunity for you to share your honest feedback on what it has been like to study on your course. You can help us to understand what you most value and enjoy about your university experience and tell us what you recommend should be improved.

If you’re a Postgraduate Taught student, you may be eligible to have your say on your experience through the Postgraduate Survey (PGS) – a new survey by the Office for Students. UoB is participating in the pilot, which is now open until Tuesday 31 May for students in the final year of their postgraduate programme. If you are eligible, keep an eye on your inbox for invitations and reminders to complete the survey from Ipsos MORI, who organise the survey on behalf of the Office for Students. 

For further information, including how to complete the above surveys, visit the Student Surveys intranet page.


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