Have you completed the Semester 2 Student Evaluation of Learning & Teaching survey?

Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching (SELT) survey - now closing Sunday 26 June

Don't miss out on the chance to have your say about the teaching and learning you’ve had this semester.

The Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching (SELT) survey is your opportunity to tell us what you think about your learning experience, across your whole programme, over this academic year.

Open to all undergraduate and postgraduate taught students, the SELT survey asks what is working well and what could be working better – so we can continue to improve your experience at UoB.

And your feedback does help inspire positive change. Refreshed assessment week sessions were arranged in Semester 2 because of feedback from the Semester 1 SELT survey, as well as many programme-specific developments. 

The survey closing date has now been extended until midgnight on Sunday 26 June, so there is still time for you to make your voice heard. It should only take 5 minutes. If you have already completed the survey, thank you! We really appreciate your time and feedback.

Complete the SELT survey today

Find out more about how you can share your views, in confidence, via the survey.

Making it Happen

Your feedback is vital in contributing to wider improvements at UoB, as part of our commitment towards a new initiative which shines a spotlight on how your views can shape your student experience; ‘Making it Happen: your University experience, shaped by you’.

When you see this little mark across the University, you know that it's part of the ‘Making it Happen’ initiative, and it’s your views that have shaped these changes.

MIH stamp 560 x 480


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