Student Stories

Your story, in your own words. Browse our diverse narratives from students from all walks of life right here at Birmingham.

read student stories

Read Alice's Story

While UoB wasn't part of first-year student Alice's initial plan, she reflects on how her journey has unexpectedly become a place that feels like home.

Read Muxin's Story

Muxin's journey from China to Birmingham is a tale of overcoming challenges and finding her own community.

Read Erin's Story

Erin, a third-year Sociology student at UoB, shares her journey from a quiet village in Somerset to embracing the bustling city life of Birmingham.

Read Abdullah's Story

Follow MSc student Abdullah's journey from London to Birmingham as he navigates the highs and lows of a new environment, and why you should seize every opportunity.


Read Caitlin's Story

Caitlin, a first-year History student at UoB, comes from rural Dorset and speaks about navigating challenges, embracing independence, and finding support along the way.

Read Arianna's Story

Student Arianna recounts how her mum's childhood dog's passing unexpectedly led her to UoB, sharing the challenges of moving from Italy to the UK.

Read Robin's Story

Meet Robin, a 66-year-old part-time Doctoral Researcher on UoB's Practical Theology Programme, sharing his inspiring journey from a teacher in Uganda to a lifelong learner.

Read Jemma's story

PhD student and mother Jemma gives us a glimpse into her life navigating study, full-time work and being a parent to a small child.


Read Emmanuel's Story

Nigerian Masters student Emmanuel shares his story of overcoming rejections, celebrating his wins and securing the prestigious Mo Ibrahim scholarship that brought him to Birmingham.


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