Dignity and respect in the workplace

Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect at work. The University believes all forms of harassment, bullying and discrimination are unacceptable and create a toxic working environment that has a detrimental effect upon individuals' health and wellbeing.

We strongly encourage all staff affected by such behaviour - or those who witness it - to access support via the University's Report and Support tool. Report and Support enables staff and students to report their concerns formally or anonymously and provides information on the services and pathways available should you experience harassment, bullying or discrimination. Report and Support aligns with the definitions, approach and processes set out in the University's Harassment and Bullying Policy. 

What are my responsibilities as a member of staff?

We all have a duty to treat colleagues, students and visitors to the University with dignity and respect and to not engage in, collude with or encourage behaviour that is discriminatory or creates a hostile environment for others. If you are found - via a disciplinary investigation - to have engaged in such behaviour this can result in action being taken against you, up to and including dismissal. 

Report and Support and the Harassment and Bullying Policy provide further information on the types of behaviour that would be considered unacceptable by the University. 

If you witness behaviour that causes you concern, it is important you take action to address it. This may mean reporting the behaviour to a more senior colleague, or speaking directly with the individual(s) concerned.  Inaction can create a working environment in which such behaviour is deemed acceptable, and/or could be interpreted as colluding with or endorsing such behaviour.  You can also report the behaviour or incident anonymously via Report and Support, or make a formal report on behalf of someone else provided you have their permission to do so. 

What support is available to me as a member of staff?

Report and Support sets out the options available to you as a member of staff if you are experiencing harassment, bullying or discrimination in the workplace. If you formally raise a concern via Report and Support, a HR Employee Relations Adviser will be assigned to your case.

In addition, there are a number of services you can access regardless of whether you formally or informally register a concern via Report and Support, or choose not to register a concern at all. This includes confidential support offered by the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). You can also contact your union representative for advice. 

What should I do if I am concerned about someone else?

If you witness behaviour that causes you concern, you should follow the 'what are my responsibilities as a member of staff?' guidance section above. You can also report your concerns anonymously via Report and Support

If a colleague or student approaches you and shares information about behaviour or an incident that has happened to them, please encourage them to access Report and Support. You can also report the behaviour or incident via the anonymous Report and Support reporting options, or make a named (formal) report on their behalf, provided you have their permission to do so. 



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