Studying and learning at the University

Welcome to the College of Social Sciences. In this induction we'll be sharing resources to support your transition to learning and teaching on your academic progammes. Don't worry if you won't be joining us straight away, there are plenty of resources to support you to study online.

Learning Resources to help you prepare

Learning at University

We're sure you have lots of questions about what it will be like to study at University. Check out this six minute video that will give you an idea of what your learning experience might be like.

Note that not all of the content covered in this video is applicable to you as a distance learning student.

What is a Seminar?

Your seminars may be called 'Connect Sessions' or 'Live Seminars' learn more about seminars in this three minute video.

What is Assessment?

Throughout your time at University you will likely experience a range of different kinds of assessment. These are nothing to worry about though. You will be fully supported to understand and complete them, and they form a vital part of your experience, helping you to consolidate and measure your learning, and identify areas of further improvement.

3 Top Tips for Assessment

  1. Plan Ahead
    • Right at the start of each semester, look carefully at your assessments for each module. Note down any deadlines, identifying any particularly busy points during the semester, and then plan backwards from these. This will ensure you give yourself enough time to prepare for and complete them all.
    • For exams, it is a good idea to start revising as early as you can. This will also help strengthen your understanding of the module as you go along.
  2. Understand the assessment
    • For each assessment, look carefully at the guidance, including the question or task itself, the marking criteria and any practicalities (such as word count, format and referencing guidance).
    • If you are unsure about anything, always ask your tutor.
    • If you’ve received feedback from a previous assessment, reflect on this and consider how any recommended improvements might be applied to your next assessment.
  3. Make the most of University Support
    • There are so many services and people available to support you during your time at University. When it comes to your assessments, if you need support at any point, please do just ask, whether it’s via your module tutor, personal tutor, the academic skills centre, or wellbeing services.

What is Feedback?

Feedback is an essential part of your learning at University and is the main way that you will receive guidance and support from your tutors. Feedback may be given informally during lectures or seminars or it may be written down on your assessment. Feedback helps you to recognise the areas where you are doing well and identify aspects for improvement.

You may receive feedback in different formats, and varying levels of detail. Sometimes it may come in the form of a summary or grid at the end of your essay; other times there will be annotations on the assignment itself; sometimes a tutor may give collective ‘generic’ feedback to a whole cohort. The feedback will refer to the mark scheme or learning outcomes to show you what your work was judged against.

Returning to Education - for Postgraduate Students

Returning or continuing in education can be daunting. This may be a step further from your undergraduate programme or a return to education following a break. Here's a video with some helpful tips for those of you who are joining us on postraduate (PG) courses.

Returning to Education

Learning environment

At the University of Birmingham we use a number of online platforms to support students learning. You'll become more familiar wtih these as you use them throughout your studies. In this section you'll find information to get you started. There's also some useful information on academic expectations around plagiarism and integrity. These are good to know before you start, but nothing to worry about.

The Online Learning Environment

Canvas is the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) ( used here at University of Birmingham. It's similar to other VLEs that you may have used in other institutions such as Moodle or Blackboard. You can use Canvas to do the following:

  • Access your course materials online 24/7
  • Submit assignments
  • Access grades and feedback
  • Find lecture recordings
  • Access Zoom meetings for live teaching sessions and Online Weekly Group Tutorials
  • Access multimedia content and resources for learning outside of the lecture
  • To discuss and share ideas

Here's an introductory video to learn more:


Canvas is the university's online learning platform and this is where you will access a lot of the informaton about your modules and programme of study. It's a good idea to get familiar with this platform as it will be used by all of the lecturing staff, it's also a great place to find additional infomration about university services like the Wellbeing Team. To help you along the way there's a helpful course which will teach you how to make the most of using Canvas. In this course you will also learn more about Panopto which is the software used by UoB for online video content.

Microsoft Teams

All students and staff at UoB have access to Microsoft 365, including Teams. Teams is a collaboarative platform that allows you to chat with groups of people and share files or information. There are a lot of resources online showing you how to make the most of teams, we recommend that you spend some time having a look at this essential training on how to use Teams.

Your PebblePad Workbook and Personal Academic Tutoring

When you join us you'll be allocated a Personal Academic Tutor who will support your academic journey and answer any queries you may have. All students have access to an online platform called PebblePad which supports you to build up a skills portfolio while you are at university. You can discuss this portfolio with your Personal Tutor, here's everything you need to know about how to access your workbook in this short video.

Academic Integrity

You will often hear the phrase academic integrity while you are studying at the university. This often refers to good practises in academic study which ensure that students do no cheat on assignments. Continue reading for good practise to follow (PDF).

You will be provided with an academic integrity course via Canvas upon starting your programme which you will need to complete.

Introduction to Referencing

Now that you've watched those short videos you can read more on academic integrity in this online guide. Remember, if you are unsure about something related to academic integirty you can seek advice from your Personal Academic Tutor or the Academic Skills Centre.

Introduction to the Library

The university library is located in the centre of the campus on the Green Heart and is accessible to all UoB students. You can use this as a place to study and find all of the resources you need for your course.


To find books and other helpful resources students use 'FindItBham' which is an online search function which can show you how many books are availabe in the library or give you access to readings and research online.

Resource Lists

Mathematics and Statistics online resources

A number of programme in the College of Social Sciences will require students to be proficient in Mathematics and Statistics. If this is required on your programme you may need some additional support and the university has produced some specific resources to do just that.

Useful information

Jargon Buster

Along with many other things that will be new to you in the coming weeks, you will at times wonder if people around you are speaking a new language! University is full of new terminology which you will probably never encounter outside of a Campus. To help you with this, we've produced a handy jargon buster which will hopefully explain some of these weird and wonderful new terms....

Academic Year  

This is the university year, which runs from September to July. You can see the course dates  on the UoB Term dates intranet pages.


This is a community of former students who have graduated. We have a very active community of alumni, many of whom also act as volunteers supporting our current students, through, e.g., the Alumni Leadership Mentoring scheme. and by speaking at careers events. (Note: 'alumni' is the plural, then it's 'alumna' for a woman, 'alumnus' for a man, 'alumnum' is non-gender specific, and 'alumnae' is more than one female alumna!) 

Bachelors degree  

This can also be called a ‘first degree’ and is the qualification you achieve after successfully completing a three (or four) year programme at university. In the College of Social Sciences our students are awarded a mixture of 'Bachelor of Art' degrees (usually abbreviated to BA) and 'Bachelor of Science' degrees (BSc). 


The campus refers to the buildings and grounds where a university. The University of Birmingham has several campuses in different locations, the main one being the Edgbaston Campus (with the Main Library), and a smaller one in Selly Oak.  


This is the University's Virtual Learning Environment, where all your course-related material will be hosted.


The University of Birmingham is split in to 5 academic colleges. These are essentially the same as faculties and operate to deliver education and the student experience to their students. This may mean that things are done slightly differently as colleges cater to the needs of their students.  

College of Social Sciences (CoSS) 

CoSS is the college where your academic school or department sits in the university. This means that you belong to a rich community of academics and peers who have a keen interest in subjects spanning Business, Social Policy, Government and Education.  


All modules undertaken at the University of Birmingham have a ‘credit’ value. For example, a module that lasts for two semesters could have a total of 20 credits. For you to progress to your next year of study you need to have taken a total of 120 credits. Ten credits is equivalent to 100 learning hours, which includes lectures, tutorials/seminars, personal study and assessment. 


A degree is a qualification awarded by a university after the satisfactory completion of a degree programme (this could be a undergraduate or postgraduate level) This is the equivalent of three years of full-time study for undergraduates or four years if you have a year abroad or a year in industry.  


A branch of knowledge, e.g. political theory or accounting.  


A dissertation is normally a long report (often 10,000 words), which most undergraduates will write in your final year of study. You will choose a topic you're particularly interested in and will be closely supervised by lecturer. Not all programmes in the College of Social Sciences necessarily include a dissertation. Some Joint Honours students will do two smaller essays, or a 'Linked' dissertation combining the two parts of your course. You'll find out more about the different options in your second year or you can discuss this with your Personal Academic Tutor.   


This term refers to how suitable a person is for employment. The College of Social Sciences offers lots of opportunities to help students improve their employability (i.e. to make you more attractive to employers), by offering events, workshops, training sessions, schemes, and placement modules (on some subjects). You can find out more about careers support here. 

Enhanced Transcript 

A transcript is a summary of your academic performance and progress to date. It lists the modules taken during each academic year, and the marks obtained in each module. When you graduate, you'll get an official copy of your transcript, along with your degree certificate. As of 2016, you'll also receive an enhanced transcript, which lists a range of extracurricular activities undertaken whilst at University, such as volunteering.  

External Examiners  

The external examiner system is in place to ensure that students are marked fairly, and standards are maintained. External examiners are usually academics from other institutions. They moderate students’ assessments to ensure that the grade they received was appropriate. Exam questions are also approved by external examiners. 


Students, depending on the family household income, may have to pay tuition fees for their course. In 2020 the tuition fees for undergraduate home students will be £9,250. To find out more about tuition fees visit the UoB Undergraduate Tuition fee webpage.


“Finalist” is the name given to students in their last year of study as they approach their final module assessments.  

Foundation Degree Programmes  

This is a programme designed to prepare students who have acceptable qualifications for general university entry, but do not have the appropriate level or coverage for a specific degree programme. Students undertake the foundation programme and then progress into the undergraduate degree programme in a discipline of their choice.  

Guild of Students 

Every University has a Students’ Union (at Birmingham our Guild of Students is also a member of the National Union of Students commonly known as NUS). Every student at the university is automatically a member of the student’s union which is led by students who you elect from the student body each year. The Guild represents the interests of students across a whole range of issues. It also provides a focal point for social activities on campus for all students. You'll find out more about the Guild later in these resources!

 Graduate and Graduand 

This is the term used for a person who has completed and passed his or her degree and been awarded their qualification. A graduand is someone who has finished their studies and is about to graduate.  A student studying for a degree is known as an undergraduate. 


The graduation ceremony is where a student formally collects their degree. You can graduate without attending the ceremony (although you do need to have your qualification confirmed) but it is an excellent opportunity to celebrate your achievements and reflect on your time at University.  

HE – Higher Education  

This is education and training for students of 18 years and older, who have completed the required amount of study in further education (college or sixth form). Institutions such as universities often provide Higher Education in the form of degree programmes.  

Home Students  

This applies to students who are based in the UK at the time of application to the institution and meet residence requirements.  

Honours Degree (Hons) 

This is a degree programme taken at university. It is normally a first degree which lasts three or four years. An honours degree requires extra modules/units to be studied in comparison to an Ordinary Degree, often in the form of a dissertation. 


The initial weeks at university where you will be briefed on how your programme of study will work and how you can make the most of your time as a student. This course forms part of your induction, and you'll receive more information over the coming weeks about what the University and your School will be doing for the rest of your induction activities.

International Students  

This is a term used to describe students who come to the UK to study from other countries. We are really lucky in the College of Social Sciences (CoSS) to have a diverse student population who have varied cultures and experiences, we encourage our students to learn as much as they can about each other to enrich their experience of university.  

Joint Honours 

Joint Honours is a form of degree which offers students the chance to study two related subjects to degree level.  


A lecture is a lesson given by an academic member of staff, usually to a large number of students. Lectures might be a bit different this year and you may see them take place online. Don’t worry, we have the technology to do this and academic staff have been working hard to prepare online materials for you. Many lecturers also give out resources and information to help you with your notetaking and to act as a point of reference for further reading.  


Lecturers are academic members of staff at university who are responsible for the teaching of university degree programmes. To find out more about different academic titles click here.  

Masters degree (MA, MRes, MSc) 

Masters degrees are taught courses which allow students to extend their learning for one to two years after they have graduated from their first (Bachelors) degree. You may want to learn more about this and will have opportunities to discuss any plans for future study with your Personal Academic Tutors.  

Mature Student  

This applies to students who are over 21 when they start their course. There is lots of support for students returning to education after a break offered by the Academic Skills Centre (who you will find out more about in the rest of this course). Students who identify as a mature student can also join the Postgradaute and Mature Students' Association. 


The meaning of mentor/mentoring varies from organisation to organisation. However, it usually refers to a one-to-one, non-judgmental relationship in which an individual gives his/her time to support and encourage another.   


A module is a unit of study that explores a specific area within a subject. Broad modules that cover a wide topic, usually in first year, are called 'survey modules' and aim to provide an introduction to that subject. 

National Student Survey (NSS) 

The National Student Survey. (NSS) is a nationally recognised annual survey of final year undergraduates in the UK. 

National Union of Students (NUS) 

The National Union of Students (Links to an external site.) commonly known as NUS is an organisation ran by elected student representatives. The NUS represent students on all kinds of issues and often runs campaigns on things that matter to students. The Guild of Students at Birmingham is a member of NUS so your views are represented to them too.  

Personal Academic Tutor 

Students are allocated a personal tutor as soon as they start university, this year you will also be allocated a tutor group which will meet weekly. This is an opportunity for you to speak to your peers and your personal tutor about matters related to all areas of the university and your studies.  If your tutor isn’t sure how to help with your query they may signpost you to another area of the university that can help.  


Plagiarism is the use or close imitation of the work of another author and claiming it is original work. Plagiarism can also occur if another author’s ideas or use of language are not referenced correctly. To avoid this, students should follow a referencing guide. Students should check with their lecturer which one is appropriate for their work, you can find out more about Academic Integrity (another phrase used for plagiarism) by reading the Academic Integrity website 

Professional Services  

Professional Services refers to members of non-teaching staff who support administration and management at the university. As an example, your College Wellbeing Officers belong to the universities Professional Services.  

Programme Administrator  

These are the members of staff that do all the administrative tasks related to your programmes and work closely with your lecturers. You may have communication from them about module choices, assessments and feedback. If you have any queries about these things you should direct them to the Programme Administration Teams in your schools.  


This refers to the percentage or number of students who do not complete their degree and leave before the end of a course. This can happen for a variety of reasons - if you're struggling with your course, there are lots of people who can help you and this course will tell you who they are.


At the University of Birmingham, this word is used to mean 'term'. There are 3 semesters: Semester 1, Autumn (September-December), Semester 2, Spring (January-March/April), and Semester 3, Summer (April-June). 


A seminar is a small group of students and a lecturer who meet to discuss aspects of the course or a specific topic being covered in lectures. 

Single Honours 

This is an honours degree course in which a student studies a single subject, for example Business Management.  


Student Societies are sometimes referred to as Student Groups and are where like-minded people can share their interests, beliefs, religion or sport. You will find all of the information you need about student societies at the Guild of Students (Links to an external site.) and UoB Sport. Joining a sports club or society is a great way to make friends when you start university.  

Student Experience Officers  

Student Experience Officers (SEOs) work closely with other members of staff in the university to plan activities and events for students.  If you want to chat about your experience or provide feedback you can speak with one of our SEOs.  

Student Representatives  

There are student representatives for each course. Any student can put themselves forward to be a rep and it’s a great way to enhance your skills and experience. Reps give feedback to the university on things impacting the student and academic experience and work closely with the Student Experience Officers.  You'll find out much more about the role of Student Reps, and how to become one, later on in this course.

Wellbeing Officers 

Wellbeing Officers are often the first port of call for students who are experiencing personal difficulties at university. In CoSS our College Wellbeing Team can help with advice, support and guidance on a range of issues that students commonly face during their studies. They work closely with other departments within the University to get students the right support at the right time and can be contacted by email or appointment.  

Year/Study Abroad 

You may have the opportunity during your degree to study or work abroad for a year (usually the third year of a four-year degree) as part of your programme of study.  Some students also study for a semester abroad. You'll get more information about these opportunities in your first semester of teaching.

 Academic roles at University – what do they mean? 

What’s the difference between a professor and a lecturer? What is a reader and how does the role differ from a teaching fellow?  

It can be quite daunting when you start University, and are suddenly being taught by Doctors, Professors and Teaching Fellows, to understand how each role differs from the other (and know what staff members are doing when they aren’t teaching you!) We’ve created a brief description of each role you might encounter, to give you an insight into the different roles (and maybe start you thinking about possible careers!): 

What is a Teaching Fellow? 

Teaching fellows undertake the full range of teaching, pastoral and administrative duties, but are often not required to undertake any research activity (though some may choose to). Their primary focus is teaching duties, within their field of interest. 

What is a Research Fellow? 

A Research Fellow may act either as an independent investigator or under the supervision of a principal investigator. When lecturers are working on large scale research projects, research fellows are often appointed to aid with the project. The position of research fellow normally requires a doctoral degree. Some research fellows undertake postdoctoral research or have some moderate teaching responsibilities. 

What is a Lecturer? 

Being a lecturer involves carrying out both teaching and research. Most often the lecturers that are teaching you will hold a doctorate, are specialists in that field, and are carrying out their own research at the same time. After a number of years, a lecturer may be promoted and become a senior lecturer. This position is below reader and professor. 

What is a Reader? 

A Reader is a senior academic with a distinguished international reputation in research or scholarship. It is an academic rank above senior lecturer, recognising a distinguished record of original research at professorial level. 

What is a Professor? 

In most universities, professorships are reserved for only the most senior academic staff, that are experts in their field and a teacher of high rank. A professor is a highly accomplished and recognised academic, and the title is in most cases awarded only after decades of scholarly work to senior academics.


Professional Services