College news

Keep up to date with the latest news and events from around the college and the wide-ranging projects our staff and students get involved with.

Dr. Tarsem Singh Cooner Receives Prestigious Award for Innovating Child Protection Training

CoSS eNewsletter - February 2013

Welcome to CoSS' e-newsletter. Circulated monthly, the e-newsletter provides the latest news, views, events and opportunities from across the College. Why not take a look at the College intranet, Facebook and Twitter accounts for the latest College news and opportunities throughout the month. For those of you not on Twitter, you can read our tweets here. Thank you to all those who submitted stories and jokes for this month's edition.
Friday 22nd February 2013

Meet Our Staff: Dr Jenny Phillimore

Tuesday 19th February 2013

New additions to CoSS

Learn about the latest staff updates within the College
Tuesday 19th February 2013

Meet the Team: Jubilee Centre

Meet the School of Education's Jubilee Centre team
Tuesday 19th February 2013

A fun evening at the BUAFTAs

At the 6th Annual BUAFTA Awards Dinner on Friday 8 February, shortlisted nominees and guests from across the University gathered in the Great Hall for a very special evening. Read more to learn about CoSS' involvement in the event
Tuesday 19th February 2013

Model NATO conference- Visit to Washington D.C.

Brami Van Crombrugge, an International Relations and Spanish 4th Year student, describes his experience at this year's model NATO conference held in Washington D.C.
Tuesday 19th February 2013

Older People's Experiences of Care Transition

This project explored the experiences of older people and their carers of transitions across service boundaries, and in particular, of moves into and out of hospital and into and between dementia services. It focused on the experiences of more marginalised older people, including older people from South Asian communities and older people with dementia. It adopted a participatory approach, involving older service users and carers as co-researchers in all stages of the research process.
Tuesday 19th February 2013

Raising your research profile

The Library is running a series of 4 awareness-raising sessions to support early, mid or later-career researchers at every stage of the research process.
Monday 18th February 2013

CREES scholar invited to participate in University of Vienna conference

Dr Deema Kaneff was invited to present a paper at a conference at CERI-Sciences Po, Paris on the 23rd January 2012.
Friday 8th February 2013

December 2012 GEM Draw Winner and January 2013 GEM Award Nominees

David Cottam, IT Manager (Government & Society and Social Policy), was drawn from December's GEM Award winners at College Board on 22nd January. His prize was a £25 High Street voucher, which he was presented with at the College BUAFTA nominations/GEM Awards coffee and cakes celebration which took place on 1st February.
Thursday 7th February 2013
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