College news

Keep up to date with the latest news and events from around the college and the wide-ranging projects our staff and students get involved with.

Dr. Tarsem Singh Cooner Receives Prestigious Award for Innovating Child Protection Training

Utilisation survey

As you will be aware CLAD have historically run Utilisation surveys twice a year in the fourth week of term which have consistently recorded an average of 20-25% missed bookings. These instances of rooms being booked and then not being used have caused issues for staff in Colleges who need to book rooms and have not been able to as they appear to be fully booked at the time that they require them.
Monday 4th February 2013

New Developments: Reasonable Adjustments for Students

The University is committed to promoting a positive attitude towards disability. It has various duties under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) regarding support and care of staff and students with disabilities. One of these duties is the provision of 'reasonable adjustments'.
Tuesday 27th November 2012

Evaluating the Evaluations: An Olympic task.

Monday 24th September 2012

CREES academic secures ESRC funding for two complementary research projects

Dr Kataryna Wolczuk, Centre for Russian and East European Studies, (CREES) successfully wins ESRC funding for research project.
Tuesday 18th September 2012

CREES academic publishes paper on the EU with leading think thank

Dr Tim Haughton from the Centre for Russian and East European Studies (CREES) examines the views of four leading scholars of the European Union (EU).
Tuesday 18th September 2012

New book on the EU co-edited by CREES academic

Tuesday 18th September 2012

New Developments

Tuesday 18th September 2012

New Developments: Professional Development partner

The College now has its very own partner with POD (Personal and Organisational Development consultancy team). Until January 2013, Yvonne Yelken will be responsible for leading on College-wide initiatives and internal development programmes.
Monday 17th September 2012

New Developments: Press Officer

Deborah Walker, Press officer and Social Affairs, recently joined the central press team where she will be promoting the news from the College of Social Science.
Monday 17th September 2012

New Developments: Changes to regulations

Find out about all the recent changes to regulations for the next academic year.
Monday 17th September 2012
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