The Quick Colleague Catch-up - Joanna Pokorska

Each month we catch-up with a different colleague from within Birmingham Business School to ask them 10 questions; five related to their job and life at the Business School, the other five quizzing them about their interests, memories and hobbies. 

Joanna Pokorska, Lecturer in Marketing


Joanne Pakorska profile photoWhat I do… I have recently joined the Business School as a lecturer in marketing. I am still, however, finishing up my PhD thesis at Aston Business School. Research-wise I am interested in relationship marketing, services marketing and consumer-brand relationship trajectories. 

Best thing about working at Birmingham Business School… Being able to do what I enjoy the most in an environment that thrives for excellence and offers plenty of opportunities for personal development.    

Favourite thing or place on campus… I don’t know the campus very well just yet. I love the fact you can feel the heritage and history in most parts of the campus. 

If I were to start a lunchtime club… It would probably be about hot topics in marketing science or about new interesting research methods. 

In my spare time… I bake, travel, listen to music and read books.  

Proudest moment or achievement… I can’t really say what I’m most proud of… I think I’ve experienced many smaller and bigger achievements that I am proud of – perhaps the proudest moment is still to come. 

Favourite book or current read… I’ve just finished reading a book about “The art of minimalism”. I was looking for a book that would introduce minimalism as a mode of life but not be relating to pure asceticism. It seems this book it exactly what I was looking for. It promotes the idea of moderation in many aspects of life, especially those relating to consumption.

If I could only ever watch three films ever again, they would be…  “The Fountain”, “Requiem for a dream”, “Scent of a woman”.

Interesting things about me… I used to sing in a choir and wish could find time to do join a choir again! 


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