Lifetime achievement award for Careers Network colleague
Careers Network is delighted to report that Margaret Flynnwon an AGCAS Lifetime Achievement Award at September’s AGCAS BiennialConference.
AGCAS (the Association of Graduate Careers AdvisoryServices) gives the award every two years toexceptional AGCAS members who have had a significant impact on both theassociation and the graduate advisory sector. Margaret won for her remarkable list of accomplishments and achievementsas a member of various AGCAS Working Groups and for the wealth ofcareers information resources that she has produced.
Margaret has worked at the University since1991 and has been an integral member of the careers department for 22years. Margaret’s most substantial achievement has beenher outstanding contribution to the AGCAS Teaching Task Group and in the role ofChair from 2006 to 2009. Margaret is an excellent researcher andwriter. Her list of publications include 'Teaching beyond theclassroom', 'Applying for a PGCE', and a ‘Survivingyour first year at university’ publication which was featured in the Telegraphand 'Taking a year off’ book in 2002.
Margaret is well known amongst colleagues across theUniversity, and especially in the College of Social Sciences for the excellentquality of her work as a Careers Consultant, her contributions to teaching andlearning, her visionary leadership of the College careers team, and her innovationand execution of a variety of projects.