Fuel Efficient Car Lease Scheme Launched

Fuel Efficient Car Lease Scheme

The University launched the Fuel Efficient Car Lease Scheme in October together with sgfleet who are providing the Novalease scheme.  At the official launch, sgfleet held a series of presentations and also bought along a number of demonstration cars.

Although it was a typical autumnal day, the wet weather didn’t deter University employees from looking round the demonstration cars on display in Chancellors Court. In addition, many employees took the time to find out more by speaking to the sgfleet Novalease Consultants who were on hand to answer any questions.

The main presentations were held in Bramall Hall and were well attended. sgfleet explained the scheme in detail, including the significant savings to be made by using the scheme when employees are thinking of choosing their next car. The benefit works by letting University employees exchange a portion of their gross monthly salary for a car of their choice, thus saving on tax and national insurance. As well as the car itself, other components are included in the cost such as insurance, road fund licence, servicing, tyres, maintenance. This means employees can simply fuel and go without worrying about any hidden motoring costs. So far the scheme has been a huge success with a high level of enquiries and orders already being placed for new cars. The scheme has thousands of cars to choose from, all under an emissions cap of 120 grams of C02, which supports the Universities carbon reduction strategy.

Following the success of the day, the University will be rolling out further presentations on all University sites. Details on these will follow shortly.  In the meantime, if you have any questions about the scheme visit the Fuel Efficient Car Lease Scheme pages for more information.


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