Support Birmingham Children's Hospital – buy a BUAFTA raffle ticket

This year, the Birmingham University Awards for Tremendous Achievement (BUAFTA) chosen charity is the Birmingham Children's Hospital and we will be raising money for this valuable cause via the annual BUAFTAs raffle.

The current fundraising focus for the Birmingham Children’s Hospital is the Magnolia House appeal.

Birmingham Children’s Hospital is generally an overwhelmingly positive place but there are times when the staff there need to break very upsetting news. Whilst the wonderful staff at the Hospital offer excellent counselling and bereavement services for families, they do not have a dedicated space where they are able to deliver what can be devastating information and news. 

Improving and developing the hospital environment is important for all families – and none more so than for those going through incredibly difficult times. And that’s why the Hospital is endeavouring to raise £1 million to build a unique unit in the heart of the hospital. 

At the moment, there is very limited space for breaking significant news. Staff have to use coffee rooms, offices, empty cubicles and play rooms. There isn't any space for a family to receive the counselling that they and their children need, or a quiet space where they are able to gather their thoughts. Patients’ families deserve much better so the plan is to create a brand new building that will provide a sanctuary for families where all the needs of palliative and bereavement care can be met in peaceful, caring and secure surroundings.

It would be great if staff at the University of Birmingham could support this amazing cause, by buying a BUAFTAs raffle ticket. There are some fabulous prizes up for grabs, and the money raised would be going to a wonderful, local charity. More information on the raffle, the prizes on offer and how you can purchase tickets, is available on the BUAFTAs intranet pages.  

The prize draw will take place on 27 February 2015 at the BUAFTAs award ceremony. Winners will be notified following the event.


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