Could your department benefit from the Birmingham Undergraduate Internship Programme?

Has your department got a key project that needs completing? Have you considered recruiting a talented University of Birmingham student to undertake it over next summer? The Birmingham Undergraduate Internship Programme (BUIP) could be the answer.

Since 2011, BUIP (managed by Careers Network) has seen 36 students undertake internships at University of Birmingham. The programme has allowed for internships to be hosted across a range of university departments including Academic Services, Enterprise and Innovation, the College of Life and Environmental Sciences and Alumni Relations to name a few. The summer of 2015 has seen the highest number of interns take part so far, with 14 students completing their internships by the end of September.

Students not only gain direct experience by undertaking real life projects but also develop employability skills through a dedicated training programme, appreciate the benefits of working in a successful Higher Education institute, potentially open up new career options within this sector and gain responsibilities and exposure as a real member of staff.

“Having to take the initiative and control how I wanted the research project to go [was the best part of the internship]. There was guidance from my line manager, but it was up to me to decide what steps to take. Compared to the research projects I've carried out as part of my degree, this feels more applicable to the real world, as my report will be used to inform some of the University's major decisions”

The benefits don’t end with the students though. Departments have also gained a huge amount from hosting an internship. BUIP has become an effective tool for professional services to utilise the wealth of knowledge, skills, passion and enthusiasm amongst our talented student base. Additionally it provides our departments with that all-important student perspective, which can help shape the services we deliver. All hosts from this summer felt that having an intern had a positive impact on their departments.

Internships usually last between 4 and 12 weeks over the summer and we’re looking for host departments to offer real paid projects. Careers Network will look after the programme administration, marketing and training. 

Like what you hear and interested in hosting an internship? We’d love to hear from you.  To find out how you can get involved send an email to Harjinder Kundra at We’re aiming to advertise all internship opportunities in January 2015 therefore it is recommended to get in touch before the end of the autumn term to find out more.

You can also have a read of what projects and activities previous BUIP interns got involved in at  


Professional Services