IT Services: Out of Hours IT support staff survey

Project underway to assess requirements for potential Out of Hours IT support across the University.

IT provision at the University is in use around the clock, 365 days a year, however our current IT support service is limited outside of core office hours (with core hours defined as 8.00am – 5.00pm). IT Services recognises that many of the University’s staff work outside core office hours, and a project is underway to determine the requirement across the University for a potential Out of Hours IT support service and how this support might be structured to best assist you.

Out of Hours IT support survey

In order to assist our current review of Out of Hours IT Support, IT Services are asking you to complete a short survey.

The survey should take no more than 5 minutes and will give you the opportunity to share your requirements for Out of Hours IT support.

Your feedback is crucial in helping us define the level of support required across the University and will help lead our review into what needs to be provided to deliver more structured and sustainable Out of Hours support of the University's IT services.

Please provide us with your feedback by completing the survey.


If you have any further questions regarding the Out of Hours IT support project, please contact Duncan McKerracher


Professional Services