IT Services Focus Group Invitation
As part of our drive for continuous improvement and in conjunction with Strategic Change, IT Services are running informal focus groups to gain customer feedback.
Your feedback will directly inform the way IT Services works at the University by helping prioritise the things that matter to you, and shaping the customer experience. Come along and share your thoughts, experiences or ideas about IT at the University of Birmingham.
During these sessions, we will gather your feedback on a range of issues from making a request to reporting a problem with a device, system or application. We want to understand your thoughts and experiences about customer wait times and how we keep you informed about the progress of your queries and requests. We’d also like to understand your experiences of our phone services, portal and local face to face assistance.
You do not need to register to attend the focus groups – simply turn up to one of the sessions below. Each session will last between 90 minutes to two hours. Please note that if you can only provide an hour of your time you are welcome to attend for the first part of these sessions.
Dates of the next focus groups
Monday 13 May
University House, G05
Tuesday 14 May
Wednesday 15 May
School of Education (Education Building), G39
Further information
Your contributions will be anonymised as part of analysing feedback. Please feel free to forward this invitation onto any interested colleagues. If you have any queries about the focus groups (including access queries) please contact Paul O’Rourke (Strategic Change) on 0121 41 59081 or via