Student FAQs

Click on the FAQs for more information about your results.

Will I receive documents at graduation?

If we can calculate your classification, we will provide you with your certificate and all the marks we have available on the transcript.

In the exceptional case where there are missing marks (for example, where there may be extenuating circumstances), these will be confirmed as soon as possible, and you will automatically be provided with an updated transcript by post that displays all of your marks.

I started my study in 19/20, what do I do if my studies may have been impacted by COVID?

Please visit the Emergency Assessment Framework letter page, where you can download a copy of the letter.

What happens if I have Extenuating Circumstances?

If you have not satisfied the requirements for a degree award due to extenuating circumstances, you will have the option to be awarded a degree or to submit during the next available assessment period. You will need to let your School know what your choice is.

Please refer to the final year reassessment process and complete the online form if you wish to defer your graduation.

I completed all the assessments, why is my mark showing as 0M and no classification?

If you have missing marks but no extenuating circumstances, this is because the marking is still in progress. Once it has been marked, the Student Gateway will be updated.

I have received a classification but I have 0M(s) as my mark. How is this possible?

We can calculate your classification because you have met the requirements for a classified degree.

You must have passed sufficient credits in accordance with normal Regulations e.g. for a three-year Bachelor’s programme:

  • 360 credits attempted overall;
  • minimum 320 credits passed with 100 credits minimum in final year.

Once your marks are confirmed, we will update the marks and provide you with a transcript, by post.

Please ensure your address is up to date as that is the address your documents will be sent to unless you tell us otherwise.

Why have I received an unclassified (Pass) degree?

To get an unclassified (Pass) degree, you must have passed sufficient credits in accordance with normal Regulations, e.g. for a three-year Bachelor’s programme:

  • 360 credits attempted overall;
  • minimum 300 credits passed with 80 credits minimum in final year.

What will I expect to see on my transcript if my marks are incomplete?


If your transcript is incomplete, it will look like the example above.

Once your marks are complete, you will be provided an updated transcript with all your marks, by post.

Please ensure your address is up to date as that is the address your documents will be sent to unless you tell us otherwise.

Who do I contact with a query or concern if my questions haven’t been answered here?

If you have queries or concerns that have not been answered here, these are the contacts:

College of Arts and Law:
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences:
  • Computer Science - Personal Tutor or Computer Science Education Support Office
  • Chemistry - Chemistry Education Support Office or Senior Tutor
  • Chemical Engineering - Year Leads or Personal Tutor
  • Met and Mat - Head of Education, Senior Tutor or your Personal Tutor
  • Maths - Head of Education, Senior Tutor or the Year 3 & 4 Director
  • Physics - Heads of Year or Senior Tutor
  • Engineering - Personal Tutor and your scheduled Academic Review meeting
College of Medical and Dental Sciences:

List of contacts are available here:

College of Life and Environmental Sciences:
College of Social Sciences:

The CoSS Wellbeing Team will be offering students the chance to discuss any queries or concerns related to their results, with both online and in person drops in available on Monday 26 June 2023. Please note that each student will be entitled to a maximum of 15 minutes with a Wellbeing Officer

  • In person drop ins: if you're on campus on Results Day, the Wellbeing Team will be offering drop ins on the 7th floor of Muirhead Tower in rooms 710a, 710 and 716 from 11.00am - 3.30pm. 
  • Online drop ins: This support will be available from 12.00pm – 3.00pm - links for Zoom call available in your CoSS Results Day Celebration email.
Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences:

Please contact your personal tutor if you need academic support and the Wellbeing Team ( for pastoral support.


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