Student Experience and Wellbeing

We offer a friendly, flexible, confidential and non-judgemental service that actively listens to students' concerns, advises and gives guidance and support, if you're experiencing a personal or emotional problem affecting your studies. 

Under 18's

We understand that starting university can be an exciting but daunting time, particularly when you're under 18. The University is committed to supporting all students to help them settle in and make the most of their time at Birmingham.

All staff who are in regular contact with students under the age of 18 will have an advanced disclosure check undertaken by the UK Government Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

Social programme

Birmingham International Academy (BIA) runs a lively social programme giving our students the opportunity to experience day trips around the UK and take part in lots of different social events.

During the summer, a number of events will be arranged for you take part in.  In the past, students have visited Oxford, Cambridge and Stratford-Upon-Avon, and participated in trips to historical places such as Warwick Castle and The Black Country Living Museum. Our friendly social team have also organised fun events in accommodation such as film nights, chocolate tasting and karaoke as well as help you to explore your local area and the fantastic city of Birmingham.

Student Representatives

Student Representatives are students from your programme that are appointed to listen to your feedback and help make positive changes in your department. 

Our BIA Rep System forms part of the University’s wider Student Representation System (SRS) which runs in partnership between the University of Birmingham and the Guild of Students.

Student Feedback

Sharing your views through our feedback mechanisms gives you the opportunity to have your say on our services and the teaching and learning experience you receive. It is an important part of the student voice and helps the department make improvements. During your course, the BIA will invite students to complete a short questionnaire. This typically happens toward the start and the end of your course and for our Foundation Pathways students, mid-semester (called a mid-module questionnaire). As well as questionnaires, there are many other routes for you to feedback your thoughts to us, so use these as well (e.g., your tutor, discussion boards, and your student reps).

All information given by you will be processed in line with the University Student Privacy Notice . 

If you have a complaint that needs addressing, please use the student complaints process. To find details about the process and the relevant forms, please go to Student Complaints 

Find out more about your academic programme, local procedures, the wellbeing service and social programme in your Student Handbook or contact us.







Professional Services