CVs, Cover Letters and Applications

CVs and covering letters are powerful in standing out in your job search.

Your CV and cover letter are your first chance to make a great impression. Typically, you have just 15 to 20 seconds to catch an employer’s eye.

Get started today

Unlock your potential with our CV and application support resources. Whether you’re preparing for an internship or a graduate role, we’re here to help you succeed.

Create your CV

A CV is a factual document that showcases your skills, knowledge, and experience, and how they match the job description.

University of Birmingham students have access to CV Checker, a virtual CV checking platform which provides access to instant, personalised feedback and customised suggestions for your CV.  

Follow these steps to develop an outstanding CV:

  1. Follow our CV guidance: Watch our recorded workshop on Creating an Impactful CV.
  2. Register with CV Checker
  3. Upload to CV Checker: Receive instant, personalised feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  4. Use the feedback to make improvements and upload your CV again.
  5. After refining your CV, book an appointment with a Careers Adviser, or email your CV to for written feedback.

Note: A two-page CV is standard for the UK. If you are applying for a job in an Investment Bank or consulting firm, a one-page CV is preferred.

Write a covering letter

A cover letter is your opportunity to explain why you want the job, why you want to work for that company, and why you are the best candidate. Follow these steps:

  1. Watch our recorded video on Cover Letters and Applications.
  2. Book an appointment: Tailor your cover letter for individual applications with the help of a Careers Adviser.
  3. Email for feedback: Send your cover letter to for written feedback. Please attach the job description or link to the job.

Complete an online application

A job application form is your first step towards getting that dream job, but completing one takes time, research and preparation.

About online applications

Most large companies will have an applicant tracking system. You can apply directly for roles advertised through their careers or vacancies pages. 

It is typical for you to register your details first and create a password. 

You may get a set of drop-down menus or boxes to talk about your Education and Experience. 

If the menus do not apply to your experience, look for an 'Other' option you can select. 

If you have any problems completing sections, email a screen capture to us at

Application Tips

  • Most companies will provide details about their application process. Read this first to understand the documents and information needed. 
  • Follow instructions.
  • When uploading a CV and cover letter, remove graphics, tables or boxes. Some systems are unable to read those.
  • Keep a record of your applications and your login details. 
  • Save the job description. You might not be able to access the job description once the application deadline has expired. You will need this if you get invited to an interview.

Open or text-based questions

Application forms can include questions such as:

  • Why have you applied for this position? 
  • Why do you want to work for us? 
  • Describe a time you worked as part of a team.

It is typical to have a word limit for each question. Use the space to write a detailed answer.

Career and company motivation questions

  • Show that you have taken the time to read their website.
  • Use additional sources of information, such as industry publications. 
  • Talk about how this information links to you.

Do not repeat what you have read on the company's website. They want to know your interest and what motivated you to apply. 

Competency-based questions

Competency-based questions ask for real-life examples of your skills.

Answer these questions using the STAR rule:

  • Situation. Describe the situation
  • Task. Outline your objective/aim
  • Action. Detail what you did. Use active language; I managed, organised, resolved 
  • Result. Finish with the outcome

When you have drafted your application, book an appointment with a Career Adviser. We can review the application forms before you send them.

Book an appointment with an adviser

Once you’ve crafted your CV, application, or covering letter, it’s crucial to ensure they stand out.

Book an appointment with one of our advisers to have them reviewed. Our team will provide personalised feedback to help you make a strong impression on potential employers.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to include my GCSE/A Levels/Overseas school qualifications?

Only if the job description asks for them – otherwise, focus on your most recent qualifications.

I have overseas qualifications. Should I convert them to the UK system if applying there?

Provide overall grades, perhaps as a percentage or GPA or your top grades if that is not applicable. Recruiters will contact you if they are unsure.

Should my CV be one or two pages?

Most employers will accept a two-page CV. Some industries prefer a one-page CV, for example, investment banking and consulting. You may also choose a one-page CV if you have no work experience or limited extra-curricular activities.

I do not have any relevant experience; what should I do?

Competitive sectors can be hard to get into without relevant experience. However, whether you need it depends on the job. 

We advise that you examine the job description and apply if you meet the requirements. Make sure your CV provides clear evidence of the skills the company wants.

I have considerable professional experience; do I have to stick to two pages?

For most positions, you should not use more than two pages.

If you have held several positions in one company, you could group positions rather than list them separately. 

Focus on your most recent or relevant experience, and reduce the number of bullet points for less relevant experiences.

Do I need an interests section?

The interests section can help to build a picture of your character. It can help break the ice in interviews.

It needs to be an interest that genuinely engages you. It should say something unique about you. 

Is your sample CV applicable to countries outside of the UK?

Different countries have different requirements. You can use Student Circus for employability resources for a range of countries.

Register for an account by visiting the Student Circus online portal with your student email.


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