Job Search Strategy

Developing a solid job search strategy is essential to help you apply for jobs while studying.

To secure the job you want, you’ll need a plan that fits around your academic timetable. 

If you’re unsure about the type of role or company to target, book an appointment with us for personalised guidance.

How to create a good strategy

1. Find your Focus

Job hunting can be challenging and time-consuming if you’re applying to multiple sectors. Narrow down your focus by exploring different sectors and opportunities:

2. Do your research

Research is key to creating a targeted strategy. Consider the following before you start applying:

  • What are the routes into your sector?
  • Which route suits your skills and experience best?
  • Should you target large multinationals or smaller organisations?
  • Do your target companies advertise positions directly or use recruitment consultants?
  • What are the in-demand skills, and do you have them?
  • What are the issues/trends affecting your sector, and how do they impact hiring?

3. Get organised

Applying for several jobs increases your chances of success. Competitive sectors receive thousands of applications. However, avoid sending the same CV and cover letter to every company, as recruiters will spot this and reject you. Instead, focus your applications:

  • Create a list of target companies.
  • Prioritise your applications.
  • Ensure the roles are realistic and match your skills.
  • Tailor your applications for each role.
  • Match your skills to the job description and person specification.
  • Explain your motivation for applying and why you chose that company and role.
  • Keep a record of your applications and track your progress.
  • Save copies of job descriptions, person specifications, and your applications.

4. Make contacts

Networking can make a significant difference. Contacts may provide inside information not available on company websites.

Talking to people at your target companies helps you understand if they are a realistic target for you.

Start with alumni from this University. LinkedIn is a great tool for finding and connecting with alumni.

Finding jobs in the UK

There are various types of opportunities in the UK:

Graduate Schemes: Large companies typically hire graduates through 2-3 year trainee schemes. These are highly competitive, requiring a well-rounded CV with excellent academic results, work experience, and extracurricular activities. Applications usually start in the Autumn Term.

Graduate-Level Jobs: We encourage you to apply for jobs in SMEs (small and medium enterprises). These opportunities are advertised according to business needs, typically during the Summer Term. Use different search terms, as some companies may not use “graduate” in the job title. For example, "Marketing Assistant" finds more results than "Marketing Graduate."

Experienced Hire: Suitable for those with professional work experience, these jobs are advertised on job boards.

International Students

For international students, securing a job in the UK can be challenging. We recommend including other markets in your job search.

Job vacancy boards

Set up alerts on these websites to stay updated:

Finding jobs globally

Multinational companies hire in various ways:

Management Training Programmes: Also known as graduate schemes, these hire graduates directly in countries where they have offices.

Global Leadership Programmes: Hire students from around the world, often involving work in multiple locations.

Country-Specific Programmes: Usually require authorisation to work in the office’s country. Check the company’s graduate careers page for sponsorship information.

Some programmes start in your home country with an overseas assignment before returning home.

Multinational companies with global programmes

Additional resources

Student Circus - International student resources

Student Circus is a global career companion for international students offering a wide array of solutions:

Sign up to become career ready

  1. Head over to
  2. Login with your university email ID
  3. Verify your account
  4. Explore hundreds of opportunities

Jobs Board

  • Skilled Worker visa opportunities: Verified job listings from employers who sponsor in the UK.
  • Jobs in home country: Opportunities in 30+ countries with employers who value your skills.

Information Resources

  • Country career guides: Step-by-step guides to entering the global job market.
  • Immigration guide: Expert advice from immigration solicitors.

Job Seekers' Toolkit

  • CV builder: Templates to help you design a standout CV.
  • Map my journey tracker: A calendar to track your job search journey with reminders.

Visa information

Visit the Visa and Immigration service web page on the student intranet for information about working during and after your studies.


Professional Services