Impact Challenge

The Impact Challenge (IC) is a week long work experience opportunity open to penultimate and final year undergraduate students from a widening participation background. 

Work with employers to solve real-life problems and have the chance to learn and see first-hand how an organisation operates and how you can make an impact to their business. You will work in small groups on a project, set by an employer, where each group then presents back their output(s) at the end of the week. 

The main dates for Impact Challenge are Monday 16 June to Friday 20 June 2025. 

What will I gain from attending?

After the Impact Challenge week there will be a compulsory follow up workshop on how to add your skills to your LinkedIn profile and an evaluation activity. Every participant will need to attend the 90-minute session in person on either Monday 23rd June 14:00 on campus or Wednesday 25th June 11:00 online. For further details or questions, please email the team at

Key Dates

To fully commit to Impact Challenge, please bear in mind the following key dates:

  • Applications open: Monday 24th March 2025
  • Application deadline: Thursday 24th April 2024 (9am)
  • Impact Challenge main event on campus: Monday 16 June to Friday 20 June 2025.
  • Follow-up event: Monday 23rd June 14:00 on campus or Wednesday 25th June 11:00 online

Eligibility and sign up

Applications are open to Birmingham Scholar penultimate and final year Home undergraduates who have not previously participated in the Impact Challenge.

In addition to the above, applicants who consider themselves a part of one or more of the following categories may also apply:

  • In receipt of a P2B (Pathways to Birmingham) or A2B (Access to Birmingham) offer 
  • A care leaver or care experienced 
  • Registered as disabled / in receipt of Disability Student Allowance 
  • Of black or Asian ethnicity*
  • Those who have a home address in an IMD Quintile 1 (indices of multiple deprivation, IMD Deciles 1 and 2, lowest 20%) neighbourhood**

*Applications are particularly encouraged from students of Asian Bangladesh, Asian Pakistani, Black Caribbean and Black African backgrounds.

**If your home address is in Northern Ireland you will need to contact us with your home postcode so that we can check your eligibility to apply.

For more information about how the University aims to improve access, provide equal opportunities and enable progress through higher education and in to graduate levels roles click here: Widening Participation and Access - University of Birmingham

We encourage students who are not certain about their eligibility to get in touch via for verification.

How to apply:

Please note, we receive many more applications than there are places, so each application will be reviewed in detail and successful applicants will be notified via email by Friday 2nd May 2025. 

If you are offered a place on the Impact Challenge, you must accept your place by replying to the email within 5 working days or your place will be offered to someone on our waiting list. Once your place is confirmed, you will then be able to select your top three preferred employers and will be paired with one.


Previous employers

Previous employers at Impact Challenge include:


 Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust


 BT Group


 Limitless Travel




Sport 4 Life:


West Midlands Police


Student Reviews

""Humaira Ravat
BA English Language and Literature

I really enjoyed having the opportunity to meet new people and work with a small local business. It was incredibly rewarding to see the impact we made. I have learned to use my initiative when solving problems and it has given me the confidence to present to large audiences.

""Ayesha Islam
BA Theology and Religion

Our group worked with the Chinese Community Centre to help them find out how effective the centre is to people. Visiting the centre was fun, I felt like I was on a professional business trip but still safe as everyone around me was so kind. I have gained confidence into exploring my career choice.... and I am open to new experiences.

""Blessing Panache Nhundu
BSc Sport and Exercise Studies

The Impact Challenge has already helped me because I have now done two placements and in the process of starting two businesses. By completing the Impact Challenge, I had the foundation I needed to boost my confidence to take on more opportunities that summer.  


Professional Services