1. The request will be reviewed by the University Graduate School
The request will be read by the Head of University Graduate School and/or the PG Community Engagement Manager, and details may be shared with POD and/or Student Conduct in order to seek advice on suitability for conciliation, however PGR/supervisor names will remain anonymous.
2. The University Graduate School will contact the other party
If the referral is deemed as being suitable for conciliation, the University Graduate School will contact the other party (i.e. the supervisor if the request has come from the PGR, or the PGR if the request has come from the supervisor) to see if they want to take part in PGR Conciliation.
3. Allocation to PGR Conciliator
If the case is deemed as being suitable for conciliation and both parties want to take part, the University Graduate School will seek to allocate a PGR Conciliator.
4. Response
The University Graduate School will contact you via email to provide an update on your request. If we can provide PGR Conciliation, then we will inform you of the name of your PGR Conciliator. We will endeavour to respond to requests within 20 working days. This time is required for the steps above to happen.
5. Conciliation
Your PGR Conciliator will then contact you directly shortly afterwards to arrange an initial individual meeting. This will be followed by a joint conciliation session with both parties. This will usually be a full-day session.