Last update on: 18/08/2022
Use this page to upload a copy of your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) card if you collected it from a Post Office. You must upload images for the front and back of the card.
Example documents
Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)
Here is a sample image of the BRP you need to upload for this form:
You should upload images of the front and back of the card, making sure all details are clearly visible and readable.

'Share Code' page and 'Your Immigration Status' page
If you are using the online visa instead of the vignette and BRP, you will need to upload the image of the share code and the image of the 'Your immigration status' page with your photo on it, as shown:

*Image requirements:
- Please note that PDF format is not accepted; jpg. and png. format are recommended.
- Make sure the information is clearly visible and readable without reflection or glare.
Upload your BRP card or Online Visa
View a mobile friendly version of the form
Not sure what you need to upload? See our visa guides to help you understand which documents are relevant for you.