Blog: How to make friends at uni
Heya! I’m Hanna, a third-year studying Chemistry with Business Management and Student Content Shaper. Although I find myself to be a sociable person, I still felt pretty anxious about making new friends at university.
Making friends in a whole new environment can be daunting. If you feel like you haven’t made meaningful friendships yet, that’s completely normal! It took me a while to meet my people, as is the case for most students.
Keep reading for my top tips on how to make friends at uni...
Making the most of your accommodation
In my first year, I lived in Tennis Court, and I was so excited but also nervous to meet my flatmates. A great way to get to know or become closer to your flatmates is cooking! Cook with your flatmates, for example that classic uni dish pesto pasta, and get to know each other more.
Why not suggest a board games night and have some friendly competition? If you and your flatmates are close, that’s fantastic - but if not, that’s very normal, so don’t worry! Student Mentors host numerous social activities/events for students in accommodation to get to know each other and socialise. I recommend going to Student Mentor events with your housemates or even by yourself! My favourite events were the Valentine’s Day Arts and Crafts and the big screen movie night during freshers’ week.

Going to lectures
At university, you’ll be seeing and spending a lot of time with your course mates, so it’s great to have some friends who are on the same course as you. The easiest way to do so is if you see someone you think you’ll vibe well with, give them a friendly smile and sit with them in lectures. Over time, you’ll start chatting and hanging out some more and then doing some much-needed yapping after lectures or labs.
Social events
I find social events one of, if not the, best way to make true friends. The majority of my friendships were made from social events! You may think social events are all to do with clubbing and drinking, but as a non-drinker/clubber, society events such as games nights and confession nights were my cup of tea. You’ll meet so many people with similar interests and mindsets as you, so making conversation will be much easier. I sometimes went to society events alone, which was daunting at first, but once I got there, it was fine! Remember, everyone is in the same boat as you, so a friendly smile can go a long way.

Part-time jobs and volunteering
Not only do part-time jobs give you some extra cash, and volunteering gives you work experience, but they are also a great way to make friends. As a Student Content Shaper, I’ve met and become friends with like-minded students who have an interest in content creation. We’ll be filming one minute, then laughing at ourselves whilst we edit the video in the next! If you’re looking for part-time jobs at the uni, then check out the university’s Worklink page to see what roles are available to fit alongside your studies.
The Guild of Students also have student roles available throughout the year.

Advice from other students
“Don’t be afraid to initiate the first conversation with someone new. They’ll appreciate you reaching out and maybe you’ll get along really well!” ~ Grace
“Everyone else is as eager to connect – don’t be intimidated to initiate a chat!” ~ Lina
“Don’t be afraid to make a fool of yourself! Laugh out loud and crack a dad joke.” ~ Yasmine
I hope these helpful tips have given you some ideas on how to make friends at uni! Remember, it’s ok if you don’t make friends straight away. Everyone really is in the same boat, so don’t be afraid to take the first step. You’ve got this!
If you’re feeling lonely and finding it hard, talking to someone can help. Visit our Time to Talk? intranet page for a list of free mental health and wellbeing services that you can reach out to at UoB. You can also read more student stories, advice and tips.