Getting ready for the upcoming assessment period

For some of you, the Assessment Support weeks are coming up. This aim of these weeks is to make you feel better equipped this assessment season. For more guidance on how you can be #UoBeReady for exams and assignments, check out the below.  

Academic Skills Centre  

To help you prepare the Library are offering workshops and practical advice during Assessment Support Week (30 October – 3 November) on topics such as: 

  • exams and revision  
  • essay writing 
  • critical thinking 
  • using EndNote Online to store references 
  • critiquing an academic journal article  

They are also hosting online and in-person drops-in where you can seek quick advice, whether that’s how to reference a certain resource, how to put together a revision schedule, or where to find suitable resources for your assignment.  

Keep an eye out on their ‘What’s on’ page for information about the workshops including how to sign up. You can also find loads of useful resources in the Assessment Support Canvas course.   

Find a study space that works for you 

Whether you need a place for a group study session, to get your head down or somewhere near your favourite coffee shop, we’ve got you. Find out more

The Main Library has lots of amazing features on offer. Join Izzy on an in-depth tour to find out how you can get the most out of this study space. 

Getting organised

Getting organised is super helpful to aid you in feeling more prepared. Have you downloaded your free study planner yet?  

To learn more about the study skills you need including effective note-taking, using library resources and other digital tools, managing feedback etc, check out the Academic Skills Gateway.  

Wellbeing support

It can be daunting thinking about and getting ready for assessments but if you’re feeling overwhelmed, don't bottle it up. Our trained and friendly Wellbeing Officers, and 24/7 support line UBHeard offer a range of free and confidential services for all students.  


Professional Services