Race and ethnicity careers support

If you are an ethnic minority student from a background that is under-represented at university, Careers Network is here to support you.

The Equality Act 2010 makes it unlawful for employers to discriminate against you because of your race or ethnicity.

Careers Network offers support in the following ways:

  • Connecting you to employers and job opportunities that will enable you to achieve your full potential, and give you fair access to graduate roles
  • Providing information about bespoke mentoring and internship opportunities, and organisations with programmes that support ethnic minority students to develop personally and professionally
  • Connecting you to staff, students and alumni with a similar background and experience, and who can support you through peer or alumni mentoring, or with careers advice and guidance
  • Providing resources to help you understand what to expect from an employer and how to talk about equality, diversity, and inclusion in employment, and keep you informed about your equal rights.

Connecting you to employers

Finding employers committed to race and ethnic diversity can be easily facilitated by attending employer events and fairs that are mentioned on the Careers Connect page.

You can also get a detailed overview of their corporate culture and inclusivity efforts by looking through their respective profiles on LinkedIn.

The following list shows you employers who are actively part of diversity initiatives:

Resource list

Gaining work experience

Whilst you are studying here at UoB, you can gain work experience, which will support you in your employability.

There are many ways to gain this experience, either through our programmes at UoB or with external organisations.

Remember, work experience does not have to be a full-time internship; it can be something which fits around your studies during term-time or during the holidays.

If working during term time, the University recommends that you only work 15 hours maximum per week to support you in balancing your studies with work.

Resource list 

Internal opportunities at UoB 

  • The B-Experienced Internship Programme
  • The Birmingham Project (for first year undergraduates)
  • Impact Challenge (for penultimate and final year undergraduates)
  • Masters Consultancy Challenge (for post graduates) 

External opportunities

Mentoring and Networking

Mentoring schemes and networking allow students to engage with industry professionals that are like-minded, who help initiate conversation around you and your career development.

They empower and motivate you to understand your goals and advise you on how you can achieve them.

Resource list

  • Careers Network Mentoring
  • Alumni Leadership Mentoring Programme

External support

Investment Banking, Consulting and Law Firms

Insurance Firms

Other corporate fields

Leadership Mentoring Scheme for Ethnic Minorities

Consumer goods industry

Driving the change within

Meet our students and graduates who come from a varied range of backgrounds sharing their success stories and what helped them the most.

Finding employment - your rights

This section aims to provide you with further advice on finding various opportunities, organisations and networks that support our Black, Asian and Minority Ethic students and graduates.

Employers' drive to have a diverse organisation has improved over time and has become more inclusive in their recruitment process.

What to look for when researching employers

It is important to research employers that you are interested in, maybe looking into their efforts for building diversity and inclusion within their organisation.

Employer 'about us' section

Browse through their about us section to get a deeper understanding of their identity.

By looking through their purpose and the programmes that they support, students and graduates would be able to understand if they resonate with the company values and if they would be able to succeed at their workplace. 

Research Checklist 


Professional Services