Chinese Employer Panel Event - Mastering the Recruitment & Selection Process in China (14/10/22): Video Transcript

Title: Chinese Employer Panel Event - Mastering the Recruitment & Selection Process in China (14/10/22)
Duration: 50:33

Question for anyone who isn't able to join but I wanted to give a very warm welcome to the first panel event of this year that we're hosting as part of the Birmingham, Nottingham and Warwick collaboration. So this collaboration, for any students who aren't aware, is between the three of our universities. We work on a lot of careers events and activity helping support our international students - whether they're staying in the UK, or returning home. So welcome to today's event in which we'll be talking specifically about the recruitment and selection process in China, and we are very, very grateful to be joined by Ivy from NXP and Lien from MIDEA. So welcome to both of you. Ivy, did you just want to, if you could just introduce yourself - a little bit about your role, and about NXP as a company, and then Lien I'll have you do the same afterwards, that would be great.

Thanks Cate. Hi everyone my name is Ivy, I'm currently focusing on campus hiring for NXP China, so if you are very interested in NXP and semiconductor industry I'm the right person for you to reach out, so feel free to ping me or link me in through LinkedIn and as well welcome for all of the universities from above through the three universities. It goes to you Cate. Thank you and you're very welcome here. And Lien could you do the same please? Thank you. Okay yeah so I'm the director of the campus recruitment program for the UK for the MIDEA Group in China and we're mainly focused on recruiting Chinese students to come back to China. So again if you're interested in MIDEA Group you can reach out to me. I have LinkedIn and all those things too. I've been doing this job for about three or four years. I've worked with Birmingham and a few of these universities for quite a while. I was in Warwick actually earlier this year in May - I managed to return to the UK and do a live presentation there. So maybe some of you guys know me and if you don't definitely reach out if you've got some interest in my graduate positions.

Thank you very much, and I would also say for any students who are who are watching this webinar if you have any questions feel free to either pop them in the chat or in the question, the Q&A section, and we'll get to them at the end. There'll be opportunities for questions and answers at the end of the presentation so feel free to pop them in the chat and we'll cover them hopefully as we go, and anything that we haven't covered as we go we will answer at the end. So without further ado I thought we'd just get started. Lien and Ivy I'll probably just be asking you a few questions about your recruitment processes, about any students who are planning on returning to China from their studies in the UK, and what they can do to prepare, what your expectations are of students and things like that so feel free to jump on in with your answers as we go, and the plan is just to make this a relatively informal and helpful chat, and I'm sure we'll have lots of engagement from students asking questions as well. So I thought firstly if both of you wouldn't mind just telling us a little bit about the recruitment process for your company in terms of what the stages are is - it just one application, an interview, do you have multiple stages of interview, do you have an assessment centre, what's in person, what's virtual? If you could kind of give us a breakdown that would be great. Lien do you want to go first?

Okay I'll start - I was going to say ladies first - she introduced herself first, I'll go first. Yeah we have quite a simple process - most of our applications can be submitted or also made through WeChat app or through our website, and they're both basically the same portals in different places, and in those portals you can find all the different lists of jobs and you can upload your resume and apply for several jobs at the same time. Actually not just one job but I think three at the same time. Then after that if your application is good then you'll be invited for an interview. Usually we have two interviews: so the first one is a general HR interview to find out what you want and what your desires are, and also to see you know if you're a fit for the company, and if you're suitable, and what kind of area specifically you're interested in right? And then the second one is a more specific interview with someone in the function. So this is after you've passed the HR interview at the second stage, and so for that interview you'll be asked more specific details about your background, about your study, your area of knowledge, and also be introduced into the job in some details, or the different options of what are available working in that place. In terms of career pathways, the HR person, the first interview will be able to give you quite a good idea of how your career can progress when you're inside the company. And we also do have some online assessments for psychology assessments. We do have some AI interviews but I think they're only for specific functions, and to do with computing. So for most of our jobs we don't do AI interview, it's all done in person. And so virtual interview because a lot of our overseas graduates are online, so we're doing there. And then after the double interview then we will make an offer to you, and that process can happen quite quickly, you know, in a period of a few weeks. At the moment we're doing our second graduate recruitment for the year, and we still have a few positions open I think for engineering R&D, those kind of areas, and sales as well. But a lot of our positions I think we've already closed them as well for this year. I think that's enough yeah for me? I'm sorry I was just disconnected, the internet is not very stable for my site, so sorry about that. Shall I introduce this in Chinese so that a lot of students they can understand quite easily? I'll start right now [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] Hi my part is just finished Cate, sorry about that. I don't know I'd just like to add something actually, so I think it's pretty much the same as I was saying. Yeah! Yeah! I think this was different - we have a our account is specialised for the graduates only, so we actually have a professional account and a graduates account, there's two different websites. So if you're coming from having work experience and doing a masters and then looking for a job, then you're actually better to go to the MIDEA Group website ad look at the professionals go to 'Career' and look at professionals there. But if you're just coming from a graduate position looking for a graduate role then the MIDEA group WeChat account is good enough for you, and also the the website there where it says 'graduates hiring' is also suitable. So we separate the the two - I think that's because we hire a lot of people, so there's a lot of jobs in the company. Yes is that's quite different from what NXP is doing for campus recruiting because we're actually targeting for candidates with less than two years working experience as also seeing them as graduates, because we would like to be open-minded to make sure that every, you know, fresh graduates, they could have a second chance if they didn't like their first job. So they still have the chance to to compete with the previous graduates so that they can have another opportunity to join NXP as well. So that's why we define the graduate. The campus hiring is quite different from other companies as well, so that's another point that you need to know.

That's really good to know, thank you both. One of the questions I was actually going to ask was about WeChat. I think you've both kind of answered it there, and we see a lot of employers using their WeChat accounts as a means to recruit students and to encourage students to ask questions but also they can link directly through to graduate recruitment through there, so that's something that is very different to the UK, something that Chinese students should be aware of is that, you know, the use of WeChat for graduate recruitment is huge in China, so thank you.

Yeah I think the Chinese students are aware. I mean WeChat, in China, really does the job of about six or seven apps that you use in the West. So like LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Google Pay, you know, all of these are on WeChat. So yeah there's a lot of different things going on in it, so I think they're quite used to using it for that.

Yeah. And I think that's something that as career services we just need to be mindful of, and that it's not all about a website and WeChat is a wonderful resource there to be used, so thank you for that. I think the next thing I'd like to talk about a little bit is the skills that you're looking for from graduates. Now I know some of this can differ if you're recruiting into more technical roles of course you're going to be looking for more technical skills as well, but I'm talking more I guess some of the softer skills. What skills are you looking for in graduates, and what can students do while they're in the UK to highlight those skills, or to work on them, or even, you know, are there extracurriculars or things that they could be doing to develop those skills? Ivy do you want to go first this time?

I can definitely do it, but if you want to. Yeah, yeah, because for me, for NXP China I think 80% of the graduates positions are any positions especially for the SOC design, the very technical semiconductor industry specific positions. So for the soft skills as we call it, I think for students who study in the UK you really do have some chances that you can share with the hiring manager, and the interviewers. The one thing I would like to call out is please please do taking care of your programs and the project homework as well because that is a really, really good example to show the interviewers that what your teamwork looks like and how you manage a project and potential leadership doing those projects as well. So that is a very key skill set that you will leverage to your future real job and also during the project you will have conflicts, you will have lots of communications, so you'll have to balance different parties interests, how you balance that, what's your role in your school projects - that's pretty important to allow the hiring managers to know and to predict how you will perform after graduation during our company. I think that's quite similar to Lien as well foreign I think for UK graduates, and the difference you know between UK graduates and Chinese Mainland Chinese graduates is what we're looking for, and the soft skills is a lot of the differences and Ivy just mentioned there one was teamwork so doing a project in a group of people from different countries, maybe doing time management for that project, any project that you guys have done that's over six months or for a longer period of time that really shows a commitment to get something done, a project that achieved results shows that you're able to drive something to achieve take on a responsible role, like a management role or a leadership role in the project and it shows that you're proactive so these are opportunities that you have a lot of Chinese students may arrive overseas and think, 'oh I can just you know pass the course and get through, but it doesn't really stand you out from the other students, so also passing the course and get through but having these different experiences do language is another one. Obviously we expect you guys to be pretty good with your English after having studied in a foreign university, so I'm looking for opportunities to develop your language skills - how did you improve your language skills when you were there, and maybe a question that's asked in the interview apart from doing the coursework and things like that, did you make friends with other people, are you a curious person - and I think curiosity is a lot in the news at the moment, when recruiters are talking about soft skills because if you're curious it means you want to learn about things and that you're going to develop yourself, so they will just look to see if you're curious when you're in a foreign country. Did you find out new things when you were there, did you go and investigate, did you learn from there. So these kind of things you have a lot of opportunities while you're in a university you're talking about a life outside of the class, things that you've done that are not just when you're normally studying but things like joining sports teams, going to visit your friend who lives in Turkey, independent travel, starting a club, you know, all these these kind of things they really show different skill sets to just your regular skill set that you get so I'm studying which you can also get in China. Because it's a Chinese university you get a lot of opportunity to study but not so many great opportunities to do the other things. So I think there's a whole lot of skills there, you don't have to have all of them but a few of them that you can promote when you're doing an interview about yourself is going to sound you really well I think.

Thanks Paul for that. I think that's really important to note that while students are able to get a lot of these skills during their course I think it is the extracurriculars that can really set you apart from your peers and that can be things like like you said Lien about joining a sports team or starting a club, independent travel, but also we offer - and I'm sure Nottingham and Warwick also offer similar programs - we offer a lot of kind of consultancy challenges or boot camps, where you're put with students from other degree programs, other countries, working on a project for an employer and all of these things are also really beneficial because they give you first-hand experience with an employer. They give you experience working in teams, that project management, time management, problem solving, conflict resolution. All of those skills as well. So I think it's really important for students to realise that and I know especially for postgraduate students that are only here for one year we are asking a lot, and it's a lot to move to a different country at the end of September, get you know assimilated with the different style of teaching and living in a different country, and the language and and all of that, and then we're asking you on top of that to go above and beyond, but I do feel like the students who are able to do that and who realised that earlier on are the ones who have more success, or earlier and easier success within that job application process, because they have a lot of experience and a real varied experience to talk about - would you agree with that?

I mean yeah I definitely would. I think I think you I think argue would agree with me as well you can tell with some students that just students that went and just had a different attitude and they started learning and socialising in different groups and they basically built up some of those skills, as opposed to some of the students that they went overseas and they basically settled into their safe group you know with other Chinese students there and didn't really venture out too much in one year the year. Obviously as a recruiter we would look at students with undergrads through our three years experiences I was having a stronger cultural language adaptation than one that just only has one year, but in one year you still have opportunities it's about taking those and using those opportunities as best you can and the other thing I would say and although we are recruiting graduates is that having an overseas work experience even if it's not a UK offers that now for Chinese students if it's for a year is really valuable because that shows that you've done some things that other people haven't so definitely consider doing something like that. I myself I'm working overseas right now so I can say it's a great experience.

Yes yes I totally agree with what Cate and Lien just said because regarding the local Consulting projects I will not interview quite a few overseas students. They could mention that during those Consulting projects they learned a lot and they know how to deal with people, communicate with them, and reach mutual agreement and also they have to learn a lot to know the time management, how to present their project to call to you know showcase their products as well, so that is very important, very key competencies especially for application Engineers field application engineering and sales roles as well, beyond that Rose as a interview contributors if you want to grow within your team, within your organisation that's kind the excuses is crucial and another thing is for UK Masters postgraduates I'm graduate from Lancaster University with my maths degree, so I have fully aware that for one year that is two shots and you must be bold and to know people around you and no matter where the nationality is so you have to be very proactive to know people around you and to seek for those potential opportunities no matter what is like maybe some part-time jobs some internships and also some potential overseas work experiences because back to my time for overseas students who work in UK is it's no way so grab the and seize the opportunity to see that what you can explore to maximise your experience over over there, even not in UK but other countries as well, so that will really showcase to us you are a multinational student, that you can work in a environment that is multicultural, because here in NXP we're not a very super big company we only have 13,000 student employees globally, so your projects will be international projects your team members and your project mates will be all over the world and that's quite similar to your current jobs and current work a current life at universities so just take your current environment as a premier for your future career as well.

Thank you both. I think you both made a really good point about work experience there and I know that work experience has been evolving a lot in the last few years and we're moving away from only the traditional summer internships and we're doing a lot of work in the UK and with our our three Career Services I know all of us are participating in, you know, students can participate in virtual internships, or I know here at Birmingham for Masters students and within the Business School in particular we have end-of-study internships. So there are a lot more versatile ways that students can get some international work experience while they're studying which I think is really beneficial and and like you mentioned Lien as well about the graduate route visa opening up it does allow students an opportunity to work in the UK for up to two years, and I think if even if students are planning on returning to China, and that's something that's worth considering, because it gives students that that multicultural or that global work experience another thing that we always say to students is that part-time jobs are working on a society are really great things to put on your CV but also for part-time work we offer a lot of opportunities within the university as well and I'm sure Nottingham and work also have that availability for students who want to work part-time to work at the institution and I think one of the benefits of that, that we find for our students is that any student who's working part-time within the university, your employer is aware that your studies have to come first, so you're able to balance that part-time work with your studies a little bit easier than say if you were working in a shop or somewhere off campus as well, but I also think that, you know, look to your university for part-time work because we have so many departments at the University of Birmingham, I think we have about 7,000 employees, so there are lots of different departments and students can get work experience that's really relevant to their degree program as well which is always helpful but I do think certainly any kind of work experience, whether it's an internship, or a virtual internship or part-time, or you know regardless of what it is that will help on returning just to showcase that you have worked in a global environment as well the students at the University they pay a fee for the year and they get a lot of resources there and they don't use all the resources. And careers office is one of the resources and I always say to students you're paying for that you should really try to leverage it as much as you can because they are there to support a student. So some students can be a little bit guilty that I know of myself when I was at university I wasn't going into the careers office every day - it was something I'd walked past a couple of times, you know, I wasn't really aware of it until my final year and I think students should get in there a bit early and really go and have a look and see what's available and what's out there, and they'd be quite surprised I think and the opportunities that are there for them.

I think that's a really good point yes and I think we always say that we're here for students at every stage of the journey - whether they know what they want to do, whether they're in the process of applying for jobs, whether they have no idea what they want to do, or if they're just exploring their options. But similarly if a student is studying a particular degree program and wants to go into a kind of non-traditional path, or doesn't want to follow the traditional path for that degree program, that's something that we can help students navigate as well in it. And like you said Lien, we are, you know, we're included in your fees and it's a service that's available to every student to take advantage of, and the same goes for Nottingham and Warwick as well.

And one more thing adding to that, when I was doing my master degree the saying that I did with my career service centre is how let them and seeking for their help to help with polishing my CVs so that is the first step for you guys to go into that room and say, 'hey, here is my profile and could you give me some suggestions and so that I can polish my profiles?' So, you know, the CV is always the first step for the HR on that hiring managers to open and to learn about you. So a very polished and attractive CV is very, very important. That's a very good job for career centres to support home so that is very, very good and very important resource you can leverage. And another thing I will add on, regarding the working in the UK or in any other countries as well, because currently at NXP we currently hired one intern that - she actually is Chinese - but she's currently working as intern at NXP Netherlands. So we're, you know, internal transfer her from Netherlands intern to China as a full-time employee - so that is another way that you can both have the exposure to a global stand point of view - so that's a very good approach for you if you want to join your dream job. Yeah I think we hired quite a lot of our interns as well, and so being an intern in the company means they already have a record and know about you and I know that as a team when we get interns in we can pretty assess like if the interns are good and that aren't good. And so those ones that are good then a lot less time they get job offers and not necessarily in the department you're interning, right, they could be interning in HR and end up working in supply chain or sales or something like that. But at least we can see that, you know, how they were organised and able to do things you know from the internship. So that's a very good way to start a relationship with a company. I think that's a really good point we say that internships are effectively an extended job interview, you know, if you're applying for a role you have a very short amount of time in a job interview to showcase your skills and impress employers and show them why you would be a good fit for the company. Whereas if you do an internship with a company then you're much more likely to be able, you know, you've got an extended period of time where you can showcase those skills and really find out, one, if you're a good fit for the company, but two, if the company is a good fit for you. And it gives you an opportunity to kind of try. It's really important the interview goes both ways and so also it's a good chance for you to experience what it's like working in that company. We've had interns that were great and at the end of the internship they said, 'no I think I want to go and be a teacher actually', and it's fair enough - it's not suitable for everyone right? So it's a good way for you to test what kind of things you want to get out of your work experience as well. Definitely, definitely yes I go to Lien as well because I think it's quite rare, I don't know whether they have the same feeling, for quite a lot of Chinese graduates they don't know exactly which industry and what role they were looking for when they graduated. So yeah I think I was the same when I was their age as well - the major is related to human resources so I'm very straightforward to go to, you know, the HR department applying my positions. But some of the - especially for the training positions - some of those graduates, their parents chose their Majors for them as well, so they weren't even doing the thing that they actually really wanted to study. I know that's something that's been changing as time's gone but it's still a tradition of that I think for a lot of Chinese students so they may be studying something that wasn't essentially their choice for their parents for, 'oh this is a good career for you so you should go and do this'. Yeah yeah so the point I was saying that during your internship you could know how different departments work and what's their real job content and that is a window for you to know this company and know their working philosophy, so that you might also have the opportunity to find a department and a position for you about his best fate for yourself for your career experiment and also your interests as well. So a very good internship is quite good and if this company, if this position is not who you are looking for the time isn't wasted, you got the results, so that's always good to have a good internship foreign I think, you know, it's an experience, and one- it's a good experience to put on your CV, and two- it gives you a lot of insight into is that the career path that you want to go to as you mentioned about hiring a student who had been interning in the Netherlands who's now working in China. We've actually had a question not from a Chinese student from in a non-Chinese student, a British student who is studying Chinese, and they're really interested in living and working in China and they were wondering, for a foreigner to apply for jobs in China in this climate do either of you have any suggestions is the best route to get an internship at, you know, I have suggestions as a foreign ramifications so one is that you need to have two years work experience to get a working visa here. For internships it's a bit of a grey area - so I think you can get some kind of a student visa or something to come in and do an internship as a foreigner and in some companies, but if you're looking to be employed full-time you'll have to have two years of work experience. Which means if you just graduated from university actually it's on can't work here and that's as far as I know that was the latest rule and then to go to Shanghai I think is a pretty good place to come in as a foreigner for China because it's a kind of pathway it's the most international place in the country - they say if you go to a party in Shanghai all the Chinese speak English right, and if you go to a party in Beijing all of the foreigners speak Chinese, and it really reflects Chinese. Yes so Shanghai is very international and a lot of people there they're very international so it's quite a good place to to settle in. If you want to go and learn Chinese and develop Mandarin I wouldn't recommend going to Shanghai, actually I think there's other places where you could probably do that better. But Shanghai for the job opportunities, like in terms of international companies and stuff, is probably the best place in mainland China, and for that and in terms of foreign population it's the highest amount there is a lot of regulations you know for getting the visa - it takes a bit of time usually a few months - and it's got a lot of paperwork for the company so they will do it only if they're really serious about hiring you, especially during the times of Covid where the embassy were giving out less and less visas. That trend is changing at the moment so it's more open now for people to to come in so I think from that point of view you know logistically it is possible - it's a little bit hard adapting to working life in a Chinese company. It really depends on the company - some companies are very open-minded - I would say the company I'm working, we have different divisions, the division I'm in - MIDEA International - is quite a lot of foreigners and they're very outward focused with a business so people are pretty understanding of foreigners. But some of the other product divisions we have are majority Chinese people and I know some foreign guys working in those and they're quite isolated. So it depends which company you go to what you're going to face in terms of work experience and cultural adaptation and things like that. And I don't know if I've used funny things I had for that, for employing foreigners maybe you've got some experience of actually hiring foreigners into your place there yes because I do agree that for foreigners to especially you starting on board out of China you want to explore an internship or a full-time job here is quite difficult. But most of the international companies they are accepting for international applicants as well but if you really do want to have a taste of how you work in China the best way, the easiest way to you know be an exchange student in China and we have very very you know easy rules for international students working as an internship here in China you actually don't need a working visa at all and they will have another special process for you. And just adding one sentence on your on your passport on your visa regarding your internship durations and your position and your company then that's all done. So that is the best way for you if you really do want to have a taste how it works in China and if you really want to have a permanent job here in China, so that would be quite hard if you are fresh graduate, so best way is you can you know join this company in your country and get internal transferred from your country to China that's the best and easy wheel on quite a lot I think every company was supporting this kind of international transfers as well and is that right Lien there are flexible workarounds of companies and that is one of them. Another one is I think getting them over on business visa and working for short periods and then working in different locations as well. There are ways around it and we'll find them if they really want to get you but if you're saying for two years I think you have to have a work experience, and I think from graduates point of view you need to have a work experience before you can do that actually. And also you could also looking for some trainee programs some of the training program they have rotation so that maybe your second year or final year will have international transfer opportunities that you can choose whenever wherever you want to we want to join so that is another opportunity for you to explore your working experience here in China and very good Chinese Lien I'm in China for more than 10 years so I can speak Chinese okay, but I don't know if I wanted to do the presentation in Chinese today okay.

Thank you both very much. I think that's really helpful for any students who aren't Chinese nationals who are maybe interested in living and working in China after their studies. I'm conscious of the time - I've just got one more question and then we'll open it up to a quick Q&A. Are there any common mistakes that students make during the recruitment process that we can help them to avoid? Are there any trends at which students maybe don't get past certain hurdles during the recruitment process? Ivy you're nodding your head, I feel like you've got an answer there.

Yeah thank you because one thing I would like to highlight is the hiring season here in China is getting earlier and earlier, so maybe when you got the offer from University of Nottingham for me how Warwick you have to start to you know prepare for your CVs, so because currently especially for tech positions we normally open up our applications around early August so that's why you have to prepare all of your things maybe before you go to UK and join the interview sessions and compete with all of the local students as well so that's the very important tips that I would share. foreign I think for us like for common problems maybe it's just that students when actually they apply through us they apply for a certain role actually when they do the HR interview it's quite easy for them to transfer what they're applying for their final job and they don't realise that so they can change the direction of their application. And also when let's say they're applying for a job as a marketing a graduate marketing role they may get an offer from two or three different divisions - so to have a good look and see which division is is suitable for them and sometimes the students that don't pay too much attention to the fact that they've got the offer from different product divisions and they're quite happy to go for it for either of them, but then when they actually go and do the job they find, 'oh actually that one would have would have fared me a bit better'.

That's really helpful, thank you both. So I think at this point we'll ask if there are any attendees, any students that have any questions for the panellists. We've got a few minutes, if anyone has any questions please feel free to either pop them in the chat or in the Q&A section. We'll give it a couple minutes or a minute or two for some questions to come in. I just wanted to say though before, you know, while we're waiting for questions to come in, thank you so much for your engagement and both Ivy and Lien and it's been really insightful having you on and talking about the recruitment and selection process in China, talking about what students can do to highlight their UK experience, and maybe highlighting some of the differences between recruitment here in the UK versus in China, because I know that for a lot of our Chinese students especially since the introduction of the graduate route visa, you know, students have options about whether they stay in the UK or whether they come home, but it adds a layer of complication because they need to prepare for two different job markets I think so.

There is one thing that's worth saying at the moment, the Chinese job market, you know, Chinese economy hasn't been growing so well this year so there's been a bit of a cut in recruitment in all areas, not just graduate, but in different areas. So it's quite a lot of graduate students now in China who aren't finding jobs immediately after, so there's more students going to study Masters and things like that. But I would just say to the students that it's a big country, there's a lot of companies here, there's a lot of jobs, so do have confidence you can find a job and there's definitely jobs available, and just stick at it you when I graduated I must have sent out 70 or 80 resumes before I got an interview. It did take me a bit of time but I did get them eventually.

That's a really good point that you know and that would showcase some resilience as well. It's not to be disheartened and that there are opportunities but it takes a little bit longer sometimes. So we've had a couple of questions - the first one is from an anonymous student who has said that we can't get our diploma until next winter but can they join this year's recruitment cycle or do they need to wait until they have their diploma?

Yes definitely, for me, yes I'm saying for us as well it's conditional. So as long as the diploma comes out later they can apply it early even they can come in and actually start working before the diploma is issued in some cases, it does happen, we have students applying now for jobs for next summer as well actually, so like that's like I've been saying, it's getting earlier and earlier you know that is a case and so we're looking for students earlier and earlier as well ourselves. So it's always conditional about the graduation, just make sure you graduate. Yeah that is the most important thing after the other things, like the extracurricular here can can come later. Yeah yes same for us as well because currently here in China we often start our campus hiring activities actually one and a half year before graduation let's get your diploma. So that is a very good timing for you to apply for positions here in China, and once you got your graduation ceremony and certifications so that you can just jump to your your real career life. And I think most of the companies targeting for 2023 graduates, your first on-boarding will be the first day of that year, so as long as you graduate during that process and you are good to go.

That's great, thank you both. We've got another question here from Chun Min Yang who said, 'I'm Chinese, I am so interested in your graduate program - I want to know how to apply to your company, I don't know the process now'. I'm not sure which organisation they're talking about so if you could both answer just briefly. We have touched on the recruitment websites on WeChat but if there's anything specific please feel free to add that.

Okay just just oh yeah just give me a sec, like we have a WeChat account, so I mean if you go onto WeChat and have a look. I'll just find the official account name and it's called. So if you go and look for that on the WeChat account then you can find our graduate roles are there and you can apply to some MIDEA group through that there so that's quite easy for you guys to find us that's medievance.

Yes for us we have several platforms as well. First is our WeChat official account it's called underping and you can explore all of our opportunities over there both experience - internship and also graduate positions as well - and we build up a special platform for graduate applications as well is your job that is 51 jobs that you can explore and you can just type in NXP in there and the website will just pop up. The final platform is our official website called NXP Careers and you can also explore all the opportunities around the world with just apply for whatever you are interested in, yeah.

Thank you. And we've just got one more question and this is from a Chinese student who wants to work in the UK and they were wondering where they can send their CV and cover letter into apart from LinkedIn, and how to join university recruitment? So I'm happy to answer this one. So for this you wouldn't, I'm not sure which institution you're you're based at but you would need to go to your various career services. Here at Birmingham we don't necessarily accept CVs and forward them on to employers. We do have an online job advertising portal called Careers Connect and then we also subscribe to Student Circus which is an online platform that advertises jobs for international students who are looking to stay in the UK. You've also asked about what other work visas are there, so obviously the most accessible one right now is the two-year graduate route visa and that's something that you can apply to and then look at whilst you're in the process of getting a job. There are also opportunities for companies to sponsor students who, you know, once you get your job offer as well. So I would say definitely make an appointment with your career service, talk through your options. But have a look at all three of our institutions have online job advertising portals, so please have a look at at your career service website and the online job advertising portal to see what opportunities there are for you. Teresa or Kate I don't know if either one of you had anything to add with that question?

Yeah I was just going to say the same, so University of Nottingham has My Career as their platform to advertise vacancies from employers who are usually promoting their vacancies to students, but also lots of events that you can attend and jobs that you can apply for, and most universities will often bring in Immigration Specialists - so at the University of Nottingham if you've not already booked onto it we've got a session on the 19th of October and that's with Paragon Law. So look out for those and they'll talk about all the different options that are available to you to work in the UK. And I would book in for a consultation if you're unsure about this with one of your career service team because they'll usually give you lots of different sector-specific resources to search for jobs in the UK as well so that could be really useful to you.

Thanks. Thanks for that right, so there aren't any other questions coming up on the Q&A right now and I'm just checking don't see anything else in the chat right now either so I just wanted to say - my lights are going off - I just wanted to say thank you both so much Ivy and Lien for your participation and for the really engaging conversation. Thank you also for all the students who have attended this panel event. As Kate and I mentioned at the beginning we will be having a lot more panel events coming up over this semester and next - whether they're alumni panel events or employer panel events - and so do have a look at your respective career service website for what events we've got coming up. And yes I just want to say thanks everyone for your participation.

Okay thanks Cate for the invite, and Ivy [foreign]

[foreign] really really nice to meet you maybe I will come back to contact your LinkedIn later.

Yeah you can find me on there for sure.

Okay, lovely, well that here.


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