To recommend new eResources and journals using Library Information Resources funds (IRF) or to facilitate the purchase of a new eResource which will be paid via departmental funds please use this form.
For book requests, please see Ordering items for the library.
Recommendations using Library Information Resources funds
We will continue to receive recommendations for new information resources via this form, but please note that funds available for their purchase are limited. We shall review those requests if funds become available.
Once we have received your recommendation, we will obtain a price quote and check it meets requirements for adding to the library collection. Resources purchased using institutional funds will allow access to all University of Birmingham registered staff and students where possible.
Requests using departmental funds
Once we have received your request, we will obtain a price quote and access details, and will advise on what level of support we can offer before proceeding. The level of support will be determined by the type of business model offered. Before proceeding with any purchase, we will require a budget code and authorisation from the appropriate budget holder.
Resources purchased using library funds will be prioritised. We will not place new orders between 1 June and 31 July due to end of financial year processes.
Payment for subscriptions that run over two financial years will be spilt in line with the subscription period.
Submission of a recommendation does not guarantee the library will obtain the resource. Please fill out the form as fully as possible as it will form the basis of a business case.
Privacy policy
The data collected on this form will be processed in accordance with our Data Protection Policy. Please contact Library Services if you have any queries or need to change or amend your details.