Accessing BIRMS

In adherance to our GDPR obligations, BIRMS access is security-controlled and is granted to members of staff as appropriate who need to use BIRMS to fulfill the responsibilities of their role. Access to the various applications are controlled at department level using permissions for every page and critical function.

Requesting BIRMS access

Your line manager will organise for a BIRMS new user request to be submitted to IT Services by one of the Security Managers within your department or school via an IT Service Portal request (access to the request is restricted to nominated representatives):

Once granted, your access will be confirmed to you, and your local Security Manager will create your security profile.

You will only be able to report on BIRMS data via BOXI, so you need to ensure that you have access - go to the BOXI Reporting page for more information.

NB: The current BIRMS new user request process will kickstart access to both BIRMS and BOXI.

Accessing BIRMS

BIRMS can be accessed via the Staff Gateway:


Professional Services