Staff Networks

Our Staff Networks provide a forum for discussion and support.

Our staff networks are run independently by colleagues from across the University and provide a supportive environment for staff to discuss shared issues and concerns. The staff networks also act in an advisory role to the University through the Equality Executive Group and are supported by the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Team.  

What do the Staff Networks do?

As well as regular meet ups and social activities, the networks make a significant contribution to the University's work. Activities they have been involved include:

  • Working with Estates to advise on access issues for new and existing buildings
  • Representing the interests of staff groups on strategic initiatives such as the Race Equality Charter and the Dubai Campus
  • Developing intranet resources and staff profiles
  • Putting on events to celebrate special History Months and anniversaries
  • Supporting University central inductions
  • Establishing monthly events open to all staff, including Branching Out

How can I get involved?

Staff networks are a valuable asset to our University community, but in order to continue their work they need staff to get involved, whether by joining a network, attending an event, or promoting networks to colleagues. You can find out more about staff networks by reaching out to any of the networks you are interested in.

Which Staff Network(s) can I join?

 Staff Networks  
 Enabling Staff Network lockup  

Parents carers network lockup


race equality logo


Rainbow network lockup



University of Birmingham Women's Network logo



Where can I find out more about the Staff Networks?




Professional Services