
Estates Office Health & Safety

In addition to the University’s Health & Safety Unit and Safety Advisors, the Estates Office has a Health and Safety Team (H&S email address?) who provide advice and support to Estates Office staff on all health and safety related matters as well as developing health and safety management systems for the activities carried out by the Estates Office.

The Estates Office manages and maintains University property activities using a variety of University staff and contractors. It is essential that Estates Office staff and contractors do as much as they can to avoid causing harm to staff, students and members of the wider community by their actions or inactions.  

We strive for excellence. We seek to be best in the sector and comparable in standards to professional services staff in world-leading universities around the globe in everything we do. That includes how we manage health and safety. Ensuring that this is a safe place for staff and students is an absolute priority. The University Health and Safety Policy sets out the management framework we use to achieve that.  In addition the Estates Office has produced a number of helpful documents for Contractors.  The information is for Contractors directly employed by the University of Birmingham Estates Office, who carry out the work for and on behalf of the Estates Office on University premises and on contracts specifically managed by the Estates Office.

What Documentation is Available?

The Estates Office has developed various documents

Current documentation: -

The Estates Office Management of Contractors Policy

The Estates Office Contractors Rules and Standards for Safe Working

The Estates Office Health and Safety Information and Guidance for Contractor’s Employees


What should you do next if you want to work for the University of Birmingham Estates Office?

You should:-

Familiarise yourself with the information.

Provide written confirmation to The University of Birmingham Estates Office Health and Safety Advisor that you have received this information and that you understand its contents using this form.

Ensure that your own staff and any subcontractors you may employ are briefed appropriately in the content prior to working at the University. 

It must be stressed that the documentation does not exempt Contractors from their statutory duties relating the health and safety and the documentation is not intended to replace the Contractor’s own Health and Safety Policy or Safe Working procedures. However the documentation is intended to assist them in compliance with those duties.

Contractors are expected to co-operate fully at all times in all matters relating to health and safety.

The clock tower seen behind a close-up of a lamp-post


Professional Services