Liability including Clinical Trials

The current Public and Products Liability, Medical Malpractice, Clinical Trials, Employer's Liability, Professional Indemnity and Governors Directors and Officers Policies of the University are all covered within this section.

An outline of what each policy covers is provided and there are downloadable documents available including policy wordings and policy Schedules. Details surrounding cover for Clinical Trials is also included, with links to relevant documents, a downloadable letter etc.

Employer's liability

This policy provides insurance, as required at law, against claims from employees who sustain an injury in the course of their employment with the University and where the cause of the injury is negligence on the part of the University or its employees.

Those covered include students on work experience / placement with the University, visiting staff, seconded staff etc. All such visiting employees should be notified to the Insurance Office.

Please contac the Insurance Team Via ServiceNow if you require a copy of a certificate.


Governors Directors and Officers of the University

The insurance cover indemnifies the Governors Directors and Officers of the University against liability at law for damages, contributions, judgements or settlements, claimants' costs, or expenses and all other costs and expenses ordered by the court or other legally authorised tribunal for claims made against them, jointly or severally, arising from any Wrongful Act committed by them in their respective capacities as:

  • Governors Directors and Officers of the University
  • Trustees of the University’s own Pension Fund

Provided that the claim is first made against the Governor, Director and Officer and notified to the Insurance Officer who in turn will notify the insurers.

For further details on the extent of cover on this policy please contact Katrina Wright, Head of Insurance, via ServiceNow.

Professional indemnity

Provides cover against claims from third parties for breach of professional duty and negligent acts, errors or omissions in giving advice, design specification or report and relates solely to staff of the University, not students.

The cover includes libel, slander, and breach of confidentiality, but excludes claims arising from any matter published wholly or in part by students. The policy includes indemnity for the personal liability of University-appointed Directors and Officers of University-owned companies and the Trustees of The University of Birmingham Pension and Assurance Scheme for their actions. It also includes cover for private work undertaken by individuals, provided that the work is channelled through Alta Innovations Limited. There are limits, and exclusions, to the Policy, full details of which can be obtained from the Finance Office Insurance Section, but the principal limitation is:-

  • A limit of £2,000,000 for any claim, damages, costs etc. arising in a Court of the United States of America, its territories and possessions, or Canada.


Public and Products liability

Public Liability

Provides cover against claims from third parties for injury or loss of or damage to property arising in connection with the business of the University and caused by the negligence of the University, its employees or students when engaged in curricular activities.

Any contract to be drawn under a law other than that of the United Kingdom must be cleared by the Finance Office - before it is signed. Any contract which either includes the exportation of a 'physical' product to the USA or Canada, or which involves manual work in those two countries must be referred to insurers for their approval by the Finance Office before it is signed.

Principal exclusions include liability arising from the use of motorised vehicles, aircraft, aero spatial devices and water-borne craft.

Cover is extended to include damage to the property of employees caused by the negligence of the University.

Products Liability

This is included within the Public Liability Policy.

A product is anything sold, supplied, altered, constructed, erected, treated, installed, processed, transported or stored on behalf of the University (including containers, labeling, instructions or advice in connection therewith) and which is not in the possession of the University at the time of the occurrence other than food and/or drink sold or supplied.

UMAL provide cover for Medical Malpractice within the Public & Products liability Policy.

This covers University employees and students who are engaged in Health and Social Care activities worldwide – excluding Medical Malpractice but includes:

  • Medical Malpractice (mis –treatment) claims against the University and its employees and students providing the students are working under the supervision of a medically qualified person.


Professional Services