Research Integrity

The University of Birmingham is committed to research excellence and to the rigorous pursuit of new knowledge. As such it is committed to maintaining the highest standards of scholarly and scientific integrity in its research. It expects all students, members of staff, and other researchers using University facilities or researching under the auspices of the University of Birmingham to work to these standards.

The named person within the University responsible for research integrity is the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Transfer, Professor Malcolm Press.

The University of Birmingham's report to Council on research integrity for the year 2013-2014 can be accessed here

Ethics Review for Research

When is ethical review required?

All research involving human subjects, or which raises ethical issues (e.g. work with animals), will require ethics review. The review process will depend upon the nature of the project, and there are several possible options. Some examples include:

  • Studies involving NHS patients, participants with mental incapacity, studies which involve storing human tissue, clinical trials, etc – ethical approval via National Research Ethics Service (NRES)
  • Studies involving healthy human participants, or work deemed as ‘service evaluation’ by the NHS – ethical approval via the University Ethics Review System (for staff and postgraduate research projects)
  • Studies involving work with animals - ethical approval via BERSC (University sub-committee)

Ethical approval is also a requirement of the University of Birmingham’s Code of Practice for Research. If you do not obtain full ethical approval for your study, you are at risk of disciplinary action.


Where can I get ethical approval?

For all staff and postgraduate research project being conducted on behalf of the University, you must submit an online Self-Assessment Form in the first instance. If you are not already aware of which route you will need to go through to obtain your full ethical approval, the responses submitted in this form will be able to assist. You will also receive an email confirmation from the Ethics Team that provides this information.

Once you have completed the Self-Assessment Form, and it has indicated that further ethical review is required, you will need to apply to the following to obtain your approval (this list is not finite):

  • National Research Ethics Service (NHS Ethics Committee)

Submission of IRAS NHS REC form

  • University Ethics Committee

Submission of application for ethical review

  • NRES Approved Tissue Banks/Research Databases
  • Biomedical Ethical Review Sub-Committee (BERSC) – work falling under Animal Scientific Procedures/with animals
  • National Offender Management Service/ Ministry Of Defence etc 

The Ethics Team will be able to advise you of which route/s would apply to your study, if you have any queries.


University of Birmingham ethical review process

The University of Birmingham operates a centralised ethical review process for research, replacing the previous institutional ethical review structure.  The University’s ethical review process applies to all new staff led research and all new postgraduate student research projects (for postgraduate research students registered on or after 1st September 2008).  

For further information about the ethical review process, and to access the forms needed to apply for ethical review, please click on the menu to the left.

For details of ethical review of undergraduate and taught Masters projects, please contact your School/College for further information.

The ethical review processes of the University are part of its comitment to research integrity. The named person within the University responsible for research integrity is the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Transfer, Professor Malcolm Press.


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