International funding for research

The informational below offers more information on UK organisations supporting international activity and detail around working with US Federal Funders and Conflicts of Interest (CoI).

Selection of UK organisations supporting international activity

Working with US Federal Funders and Conflicts of Interest (CoI)

In 2016 the University's Executive Board approved the implementation of a dedicated CoI US Conflicts of Interest Policy for use with US federal funding (particularly the US Department of Health & Human Services and US Public Health Services funding applications).  

What this means is that researchers seeking to apply for US federal funding, either direct or as part of a sub-award with a US collaborator, are required to disclose any financial and/or other conflicts of interest that could compromise the trustworthiness of their work in research proposals, publications and public communications as well as in all review activities.

Such individuals are therefore REQUIRED,  before applying, to complete the following documentation, electronically forwarding each to Karen Atkins, Research Support Services, Finance Office (

Please ensure you use Google Chrome when accessing the above sites.

The University CoI US Conflicts of Interest Policy document contains a flow chart demonstrating the assessment routes that will be adopted for any identified CoIs.

Any queries should be directed to Karen Atkins at 

For more information

Contact the EU and International team to discuss options for collaborating with international researchers:


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