CoSS Essentials

About CoSS Essentials

Within the College of Social Sciences, we organise and deliver a diverse range of sessions for the benefit of all college staff; online, in person or in a hybrid format. Our aims are to enable internal collaboration, support our staff and students, and talk about relevant topics in education, society and the university. 

If we have recording permission from the session host(s), we will upload recordings along with the presentations from our previous events, providing a useful library of information that can be accessed at anytime.

Contact us

If you are interested in hosting a session or would like to find out more about our events, please contact:


Previous Events 

A discussion of Black and Minority Ethnic Experiences in Higher Education in Social Justice and Inclusion


A discussion on impact through commercialisation of social science research outputs.


English Higher Education Policy: How Did We Get Here and What Next?


Being an Inclusive Educator

Generative AI
Decolonsing Birmingham

View all of our previous events