Transcript for BBS Student Impact Awards 2023

First thing I want to say is thank you for everyone for coming so if you've come quite a long way we have lots of fantastic students who have done some really amazing applications for these Awards, we've got staff who have come, both academic and Professional Services staff, we've got alumni who are coming and friends of the University we've got Advisory Board members who have come, we've got the Dean, our Director of Education has come - that's how important this event is.

Why you? You have all different strengths, and skill-sets, and paths, and experiences, and you will all be amazing I know that, but there's one thing that unites you, everyone here, doesn't matter if you are parent or student or lecturer or the Careers Department, you all do more than the bare minimum. You always do more than the bare minimum and that's why you're here today.

It's really fantastic that you've nominated yourselves because it's so important to recognise the part that you play in the journey of yourself and everyone else at the school, and to be happy and proud to stand up and say that, so that's fantastic. So welcome, I'm delighted everyone is here and thank you to all of our nominees, our special guests, and particularly to our career service who are absolutely phenomenal.

You worked so hard, you did everything, and you deserve that and don't let anyone take that away from you. Shine. Take pictures, post it on I don't know whatever Be Real, whatever apps we have now, I don't know I'll say Instagram but I heard that's old school, but you know what I mean TikTok. Post that, shout from the rooftop, shout how awesome you are, because you are freaking awesome and you got that because you deserved it.


Professional Services