Transcript for BBS Student Impact Awards - Tips for your submission

Hello, my name is Tripp Martin.

I'm the Head of Careers for Birmingham Business School.

I put this short video together to help you with your application for the Birmingham Business School Student Impact Awards.

So I want to give you two quick tips that are going to help you hopefully make a very strong application.

The first tip I want to give you is around values.

What you've been asked to submit is all around the values of the university and the business school.

Those five values that you've been given very specific details around, that's what you need to give your examples on, so you may be able to come up with five or six different exceptional things that you've done but if those things don't link to any of those values then you need to shelve those and only pick things where you've made an impact on those values.

My second tip is once you've decided, okay I'm going to pick this value or these two values to focus on, make sure you give very detailed specific examples of those.

So it would be very easy to come up with five or six fantastic things that you've done over the last year that make an impact but you have a very short time frame, you know and word count to use so you could end up not doing it justice.

So go for depth rather than going for lots of different examples, so pick one or two good examples - what is it that you did, what difference did it make, who did it make a difference to, how did it impact your stakeholders.

So hopefully those two tips will help you, I wish you the best of luck in your application.

Thank you.


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