School news

Keep up to date with the latest news and events from around the school and the wide-ranging projects our staff and students get involved with. More news can be found at

Congratulations on a new research grant

Chris Lonsdale, Russell Mannion (HSMC) and Joe Sanderson have been awarded £90,460 by the National Institute for Health Research to undertake a 9 month project entitled 'Towards a framework for enhancing procurement and supply chain management practice in the NHS: lessons for managers and clinicians from a synthesis of the theoretical and empirical literature'. Joe is the principal investigator and the team will be working with a full-time research fellow. The project starts on 1st May.
Thursday 28th February 2013

Students face a grilling in tough interviews from Today Programme Editor

Over 50 Post Graduate students at the Business School are having their creative campaign and communications skills fiercely tested in media workshops this semester when they face the "Humphries treatment."
Thursday 28th February 2013

New Head of the Marketing Department

As a relatively new member of staff in the Marketing Department I was asked to introduce myself to you all.
Thursday 28th February 2013

CoSS Going the Extra Mile (GEM) Award Scheme

To complement the University's BUAFTA award scheme the College have launched the CoSS Going the Extra Mile Award (GEM Award).
Thursday 28th February 2013

New Staff

Thursday 28th February 2013

Update on REF process

Work is progressing on the three aspects of the REF submission: outputs (publications), impact (the influence that particular pieces of research have had on policy and practice outside academia), and environment (the research culture, research structures and wider engagement in the academic community, research funding and doctoral students).
Thursday 28th February 2013

School Meeting - Graduation and BBQ

The Business School Staff Briefing will be on Wednesday June 27th and will run between 11;00am and 12:30pm followed by our annual School BBQ in baking sunshine on the School's sun terrace'. Further agenda details for the meeting will follow closer to the time.
Wednesday 20th June 2012

Interim Director of Birmingham Business School

Andy Lymer has agreed to take up the role as interim Director of Birmingham Business School from April 2nd.
Monday 2nd April 2012
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