Programmes: Student Recruitment and New Programme Development

The external environment for student recruitment has been challenging at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level, with increased fees affecting the former and exchange rates and visa policy affecting the latter. Although applications and offers are down overall on the Undergraduate Programmes, early acceptances of places have increased on last year for all our major programme suites. There are signs that applicant open days and the making of unconditional offers to students with predicted grades of A*AA and above may be effective in converting offers to acceptances. On the Postgraduate Programmes, applications are down but offers and early acceptances have risen. We have done very well so far in supporting recruitment and need to continue to work at conversion activity, since the plans for the new postgraduate teaching centre and the investment case for the Business School depend on this!

As far as new programmes are concerned, we will be launching three new programmes at the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) in Singapore: the BSc Business Management with Communications (2013); the MSc International Business (2014) and the MSc Economics and International Economics (2014). We are switching to a new partner in Hong Kong for the MBA.

Other new programmes are the proposed MScs in Management, Financial Management and Financial Economics.


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