Gem Awards

Jo Crump, Undergraduate Office, Birmingham Business School, for the assistance she gave to colleagues recently when dealing with a potentially tricky problem regarding exams during the supplementary exam period. Jo dealt with the problem calmly and efficiently with the minimum of fuss and, what's more, she was very understanding, which was a much appreciated bonus!

Tamara Glenn, Quality Assurance and Enhancement Manager, Birmingham Business School, for her outstanding contribution to the Programme and Module Specification Update project in the Business School over the summer. The project involved reviewing the module descriptions, learning outcomes and assessments for over 300 modules. Tamara took ownership of the project, liaising with faculty on module specifications and completing a verification checking exercise to ensure consistency and compliance on every specification returned. The high standard of her work was demonstrated by the smoothness of the internal and College approval and sign-off process.

Kirsty Hardwick, Facilities Manager, Birmingham Business School, to recognise her tireless work over the past nine months to ensure that the disruption to BBS staff was kept to a minimum whilst University House was reroofed. During the roof works Kirsty helped to ensure the working environment was kept safe for colleagues and members of staff and faculty have commented on how well the temporary accommodation was managed. During all the upheaval she also studied options for housing the School’s growing staff base and made plans to ensure that colleagues were no longer reliant on sandbags to prevent flooding into the side entrance. Kirsty also managed to recruit three members of professional services staff. A considerable range of demands have been put her way over recent months!

Clare Harris, MSc International Business (Singapore) Programme, Birmingham Business School, to recognise her willingness to help and support other members of the wider MSc team by changing her working days recently to fit in with the needs of the office, when almost 700 students submitted their dissertations. Clare’s colleagues really appreciated her flexibility and the huge support she provided at this busy time.


Professional Services