Roof completion update

As most colleagues in University House are only too aware over the last 10 months University House has been undergoing a make-over due to the age of the building and seriously deteriorating condition of the roof, windows and stonework on the old building side.

As you can see the scaffolding is all down and the project is heading towards completion, the compounds have gone and the grounds will be opened back up to us on Monday 29th September 2014 for start of term.  There will be some landscaping works to be done where the contractor portacabins have been the Grounds team have this in hand.

Attached are some before, during and after photos.

I’d like to thank all colleagues who have been most patient, flexible and helpful to others during this time of upheaval – there have been quite a few instances of staff desk sharing with colleagues or allowing their offices to be used for meetings which has been very helpful to those displaced by the work.

I’m sure you will all agree the building looks much more professional and cared for and all this hard work has been worthwhile.


Professional Services