How did we do? Very well!

In the February 2015 newsletter you may recall that the School’s Professional Services Team were engaging in the ‘How did we do’ feedback process to get a feel for how we dealt with students and staff through the School’s main offices. The timing of this was important given the final stage of the professional services review was concluded in December 2014 with the hire of the final investment case post and also the launch of the School’s brand which partly plays on the person-centric culture and outlook of Birmingham Business School.

We had over 370 feedback cards completed and the results were extremely impressive. Overall, 72% of the interactions were classed as ‘Excellent’ and 20% as ‘Above Expectations’. There were no examples where the service was experienced as being ‘Below Expectations’ or ‘Poor’. On each of the 4 main service attributes (Friendlies, Professionalism, Speed and Efficiency) there was a similar pattern with the vast majority of interactions being ‘Excellent’ (71% - 75%). The graph below summarises the overall findings.

How did we do? feedback graph

The same broad pattern of feedback was replicated when looking at the experience at each of the service points. Whilst this is the first time the School have undertaken this kind of feedback, I am extremely pleased with the results and is a clear and empowering statement of how the School’s Professional Services Team has developed. Obviously the credit for this performance lies squarely with each and everyone in the School’s administration who has worked so hard to deliver these results.

We will be repeating the ‘How did we do?’ campaign again in 2016 and then comparing overall performance against some KPIs which we are in the process of setting and confirming. As always, if there any questions which you’d like to explore please do get in touch with me.


Professional Services