Achievements in research: Dr Vivek Soundararajan

Vivek Soundararajan profile photoCongratulations to Dr Vivek Soundararajan, Post-Doctoral International Fellow, for his latest achievements including:

  • Receiving the University of Birmingham Universitas 21 Fellowship for 2015/16 for a project titled: “Exploring the Role of Law in the Business and Society Interaction: Research and Practice”. The fellowship project has been provisionally scheduled to happen during Spring 2016 term for around 6 weeks in collaboration with the Business Law faculty of the School of Business at University of Connecticut (UConn), USA.
  • His and Dr Brammer’s paper, ‘Understanding resource-deprived individuals’ interaction with institutional complexity’, for the 2015 Academy of Management Meeting taking place August 7-11 in Vancouver, BC, Canada, has been selected as one of the best accepted papers in the program.
  • Receiving the Brown International Advanced Research Institutes (BIARI) Scholarship from Brown University, USA and Santander for the year 2015 to travel and attend a 2015 summer institute on 'Governance and Development in the Age of Globalization'. Brown University’s International Advanced Research Institutes (BIARI) convene participants from around the world to address pressing global issues through collaboration across academic, professional, and geographic boundaries.


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