Awards in Professional Services

Jo CrumpThis month a special mention goes to Jo Crump, BSc Business Management, Programme Administrator. Jo received the second highest number of GEM nominations across the College, and at the recent GEM/Buafta nominees’ event was personally commended by Saul Becker for her work. It’s great to see Jo being recognised for the great work that she does. We’re all extremely proud of her!!

Recent GEM Award winners:

  • Richard Scott - October 2014
  • Miriam Nicholson - November 2014
  • Andy Buck - February 2015
  • Husnara Bibi - February 2015
  • Paul Carpenter - February 2015

BUAFTA nominees:

  • Lisa Docker – Best Customer Service
  • Andy Buck, Jo Crump, Richard Scott, Husnara Bibi, Caroline Harwood – Team of the Year


Professional Services